NFT Meaning Slang (10 most common definitions)

Decoding NFT Slang: Understanding the Lingo of the Digital Collectibles World

1inch Exchange
Nft Market
3 min readJan 31, 2024


In the dynamic and ever-evolving world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), enthusiasts and participants have developed a unique lexicon of slang terms and expressions to describe various aspects of the NFT ecosystem. From terms that describe different types of NFTs to expressions used to convey excitement or disappointment, understanding NFT slang can help newcomers navigate the intricacies of the digital collectibles world. In this article, we decode some of the most common NFT slang terms and expressions, shedding light on their meanings and usage within the community.

NFT Meaning Slang

1. NFT (Non-Fungible Token)

  • Meaning: An NFT is a digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content, stored on a blockchain.
  • Usage: “I just bought my first NFT — a digital artwork by a renowned artist.”

2. PFP (Profile Picture)

  • Meaning: A PFP refers to a user’s profile picture on social media or online platforms, often associated with NFT avatars or characters.
  • Usage: “Check out my new PFP — I just minted this cool ape NFT!”

3. Whitelist

  • Meaning: Being on a whitelist grants users early access or exclusive privileges, such as participation in an NFT drop or sale.
  • Usage: “I got whitelisted for the upcoming NFT project — can’t wait for the drop!”

4. Mint

  • Meaning: Minting refers to the process of creating or issuing new NFTs on a blockchain, often accompanied by a unique token ID.
  • Usage: “The artist is minting a limited edition series of NFTs — each one is numbered and signed.”

5. Floor Price

  • Meaning: The floor price is the lowest listing price for a particular type of NFT on a marketplace, indicating the starting point for valuation.
  • Usage: “The floor price for these Bored Ape NFTs is skyrocketing — it’s crazy how much they’re selling for!”

6. Gas

  • Meaning: Gas refers to the transaction fee paid to process and validate NFT transactions on a blockchain, typically denominated in cryptocurrency.
  • Usage: “I had to pay a lot of gas fees to mint my NFT — it’s getting expensive with all the network congestion.”

7. Rug Pull

  • Meaning: A rug pull occurs when creators or developers of an NFT project exit scam or abandon the project, leaving investors with worthless or non-existent NFTs.
  • Usage: “Investors got burned when the project turned out to be a rug pull — always do your due diligence before buying into a new NFT.”

8. Moon

  • Meaning: To moon refers to a significant increase in the value or price of an NFT, often resulting in substantial profits for investors.
  • Usage: “My NFT investment just went to the moon — I can’t believe how much it’s worth now!”

9. Rekt

  • Meaning: Rekt is slang for being financially ruined or suffering losses on an NFT investment or trade.
  • Usage: “I got rekt on that NFT flip — the market crashed right after I bought in.”

10. HODL

  • Meaning: HODL is a misspelling of “hold” and is used to encourage investors to hold onto their NFTs despite market fluctuations.
  • Usage: “Don’t panic sell — just HODL onto your NFTs and wait for the market to recover.”

Conclusion: Navigating the NFT Slang

Understanding the slang and terminology used in the NFT community can help newcomers feel more confident and informed as they explore the world of digital collectibles. Whether you’re minting your first NFT, participating in an upcoming drop, or navigating the ups and downs of the market, having a grasp of NFT slang can enhance your experience and enable you to communicate more effectively with fellow enthusiasts and collectors. So, dive in, learn the lingo, and immerse yourself in the vibrant and exciting world of NFTs!

