NFT Moon Metaverse releases roadmap 2.0

NFT Moon Metaverse
NFT Moon Metaverse
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2022

Dear MoonWalkers community,

We have come a rather long way together — this May we are celebrating the anniversary of our project. For these months we have made a long string of fundamental steps, now it is time to check up our plans and release an updated version of the project’s roadmap reflecting the recent developments and our game-changing ideas.

The roadmap 2.0 aims to give a transparent view of what is in store for MoonWalkers over the course of this year. Its sparkling highlights include the release of the Moon Land 3D map, presale of wNFTs, Alpha launch of Metaverse, and NFT Marketplace. On this release Alexey Zhukevich, the Co-Founder of NFT Moon Metaverse, commented:

“Our project is rapidly evolving, and market changes, new trends and our own breathtaking ideas make the adjustments into the structure of our future plans. We have been working hard behind the scenes to keep all our promises and give access to our product as soon as possible. Besides, we are constantly seeking new ways to integrate NFT Moon Metaverse into real life and build valuable partnerships”.

NFT Moon Metaverse Roadmap 2.0

Q2 (1st April — 30th June)

  • Release of NFT Moon 3D map
  • Official start of DAO Avatars’ sale
  • Official start of NFT Moon Lands’ sale
  • Original Launchpad by NFT Moon Metaverse
  • Presale of wrapped NTM token(wNFT) & IDOs
  • DEX listing
  • Staking of NTM and NFTs
  • Launch of NFT marketplace
  • Development of Metaverse Alpha

Q3 (1st July — 30th September)

  • Demo of Metaverse Alpha scenes and locations
  • Creation of Metaverse guild
  • Grand marketing campaign
  • Development of Metaverse Alpha

Q4 (1st October — 31th December)

  • Grand marketing campaign
  • Launch of fund for 3rd-party developers to create new locations, game mechanics, dimensions, technologies
  • Launch of Metaverse Alpha
  • Launch of DAO

To help bring the roadmap 2.0 to life, regular AMA sessions with NFT Moon Metaverse founders will be held in Telegram chat of the project. We thank every MoonWalker for the support and feedback you give to our project — you navigate us in developing the Create2Earn future meeting Web2 reality with Web3 economy and entertainment!

Metaverse Website| Minting Land Website | DAO Moonopolis Website | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | Twitter | Reddit | Facebook

