NFT Moon Metaverse August Update

NFT Moon Metaverse
NFT Moon Metaverse
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2022

Dear MoonWalkers,

First, we are much grateful to each of you for your interest and support — the market reality is not simple but we are together moving forward our project, MetaFi industry and MoonWalkers’ community!

For our team, it is very important to make our work transparent and valuable, thus we have decided to post this article with recent updates of NFT Moon Metaverse, first product-wise. Other news — partnerships and marketing activities — are broadcasted in our Telegram and Twitter, and now we wanna cover the product developments for recent 2 summer months.

1. Redesign of NFT Moon Metaverse website

The previous version was developed over a year ago — since then, the project has evolved, and we did our best to present all relevant descriptions and ways of interaction with NFT Moon Metaverse on the updated version of our website — check it out! Any feedback is very welcome.

2. wNFTs with NTM tokens

We are testing brand new technology of wrapped NFTs — wNFTs — packages of NTM tokens with cheaper price and shorter token lock period. Total is 117 wNFTs, you can learn more here.

3. Staking testing

We are preparing our native staking and its landing for future launch — stay tuned for learning the conditions and getting the best deal with your NTM tokens!

4. Launch of NFT bridge

The bridge was launched with the support of our partner XP.NETWORK. Now cross-chain transfer of NFTs works between Polygon and Avalanche, soon we will add two more networks. Check it here.

5. GitHub updates

Repositories of NFT Moon Metaverse project have been updated.

6. Launch of partnership program TO THE MOON for CIS community

Stay tuned for more updates!

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