Announcing the NFT3 Identity Intrigue Contest

Shashwat Eternal
Root Network
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2022

UPDATE: Rewards Paid Every 2 Weeks Beginning TODAY!💸

While Learn to Earn sounded like a good idea, we hadn’t expected THIS great a response!

We’ve had a steady inflow of articles, videos etc shared by InterStellars, and have begun sharing these within the larger web3 community through our socials as well. It’s been very fulfilling to see you folks enjoy learning about Decentralized Identity.

STARTING today July 15 2022, rewards for The NFT3 Identity Intrigue Contest will be paid out every 2 weeks. Congrats!


With the Decentralized Identity space heating up across the board, a few things are becoming clear:

  1. NFT3 have been building in the right direction with the vision of a MetaID — an identity that transfers seamlessly across all DeFi/Metaverse contexts that YOU own and control, and that accrues value for you instead of some corporation
  2. That the fight for this is more important than ever
  3. That as this discourse spreads and matures, NFT3 and our vision of MetaID powered by $ISME needs to be at the very forefront of this conversation

With respect to community there is another major factor at play: the problem of the bear market.

We feel ya.

While emotions are at an all-time low and the urge to run off to an island is strong for the entire crypto community as a whole, we must remember that NOW is when the new things are made — projects, communities and the millionaires who choose to back them now.

We want to make sure we do whatever we can to invite you to dive into, and stay interested in the Decentralized Identity space.

To this end, we are announcing a fun little contest that can get you:

  1. Super informed about Decentralized Identity and how this will impact the future of not just web3 but the world at large
  2. Earn some sweet sweet USDT!🤑

The NFT3 Identity Intrigue Contest

The idea is simple: we want you to scour the interwebs, learning about decentralized identity.

Interesting tweets, articles, youtube videoswhatever your favourite way of consuming content — share stuff about Decentralized Identity with us and we’ll pay you to become more informed!

The aim is twofold:

  1. We want to have a community that coalesces and grows around the vision of decentralized identityMetaID, and not just a token (although $ISME will likely melt faces🔥)
  2. We want to make sure NFT3 and the work we’re doing by building Web3’s first ever Credit Score, for example — is highlighted in public discourse when it comes to this space

The rules are super straightforward.

  1. Share interesting articles/videos/tweets and tag us
  2. Get $5 bUSDT every time you do😎
  3. 1 share per day limit and no repeats

If it’s on twitter — tag us @nft3com
Else share in our Telegram. Ask the mods for help if there are any doubts at all.

The contest starts NOW!

Come join the conversation on the future of online identity.👽

Remember Interstellars: a unified, decentralized identity layer is absolutely essential — without this, the metaverse is a mirage at best.

Let’s build it together.🫡

About NFT3

NFT3 is the First Unified Decentralized Identity and Credit Network for Web3 and Your Portal to the Metaverse.

NFT3s will become a direct monetization path for individuals to associate value on their terms with various aspects of their data journeys through life with different projects, individuals, social networks, companies, and institutions.

Website | Whitepaper | Telegram | Twitter



Shashwat Eternal
Root Network

Novelist + ex startup founder + full time marketer in web3 for 3 years. I write about growth, the collision of culture and technology, and optimistic futurism.