MAJOR Announcement: The NFT3 SDK Launches Today!

Shashwat Eternal
Root Network
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2022
NFT3 is DID for YOUR business.🤝

InterStellars, you might have noticed that we have been a little bit quiet about tech development recently. Today we’re proud to share why.

We have just completed a MAJOR milestone for NFT3.

The NFT3 Software Development Kit is NOW LIVE.

For developers — create DID apps and deploy rapidly
For web3 —
DID is now for everyone
For NFT3we now share the largest milestone in our development history so far — the NFT3 SDK

The journey has already been long building out the First Unified Decentralized Identity and Credit Network for Web3. The raise and marketing initiatives aside, the first major breakthrough was when we were able to share the Alpha version of the customer-facing NFT3 product a few months ago. This is now also LIVE as NFT3 Pass. Go check it out and get your .isme NOW!

Product rollout is a complex and tactical business, and we appreciated the advice and feedback of lead investors Animoca Brands, which is how the Alpha plan was first born. It has been immensely rewarding to have the InterStellars community come in and help us finetune the NFT3 b2c product. Now, we take things to a whole new level.

Ultimately, decentralised identity is about integrating an identity solution that gives you control and ownership over your data so you can traverse the entire internet (and emerging metaverse) while accruing value for yourself.

This means it is necessary for any identity solution to be able to help you access any web3 protocol you might wanna access.

This means that the b2b side of things is actually the most important piece of the puzzle. Which is how we come to the NFT3 SDK.

NFT3 is building the identity layer for the entire web3 space, but we are doing this in a composable manner — which means any business that needs a decentralised identity solution can integrate our SDK and get going right away.

For the next leg of development, we are beginning work on our Credit product that will aim to bring undercollateralisation to DeFi loans, supercharging loans to bring mass adoption to DeFi. We will then aim to bring to fruition DeFi’s first Credit-based loans. These are massive, massive aims as the majority of the world’s loans are actually credit-based, whereas in DeFi they simply do not exist at the moment. For the credit product we are teaming up with some of the best and the biggest in DeFi protocols — and are open to any lending protocols that want to collaborate. Hit us up!🤝

We are releasing comprehensive documentation along with the actual SDK, and developers can start building DID applications starting NOW.

Check out the NFT3 SDK here:👇

Developers, come talk to us. Let’s build an internet of personal sovereignty, together.🛸

And since NFT3 is a community-driven project, congratulations on this MAJOR, major milestone! Cheers InterStellars!

About NFT3

NFT3 is the First Unified Decentralized Identity and Credit Network for Web3 and Your Portal to the Metaverse.

NFT3s will become a direct monetization path for individuals to associate value on their terms with various aspects of their data journeys through life with different projects, individuals, social networks, companies, and institutions.

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Shashwat Eternal
Root Network

Novelist + ex startup founder + full time marketer in web3 for 3 years. I write about growth, the collision of culture and technology, and optimistic futurism.