NFT3 Partners with Nautilus Chain: Decentralized Identity Sails to New Waters

Shashwat Eternal
Root Network
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2023
NFT3 + Nautlius Chain🛸


At NFT3, our mission is to wave the flag of decentralized identity across the vast ocean of blockchains and beyond. To make this dream a reality, it is essential to anchor with chains that not only champion cutting-edge technology but also resonate with our core values. Today, we’re happy to say we’ve done it again.

We’re ecstatic to announce our partnership with Nautilus Chain.

Nautilus isn’t just another chain on the block. As the first streaming payment blockchain ever, it heralds a new era.
With its unique capability to support cross-chain asset transmission for multiple mainstream currencies, it’s swiftly redefining the boundaries of cross-chain interoperability.

Now, why is this monumental for us?

Our ISME ecosystem under NFT3 has long been a beacon of user-owned decentralized identity. While Ethereum, Aptos, and Solana have already embraced this vision, the addition of Nautilus to this list signifies yet another major leap.

🛸NFT3’s ISME ~ Your sovereign identity’s vault across multiple blockchains
🌊Nautilus Chain ~ The next frontier, bringing a streaming payment revolution

This union with Nautilus is not just a partnership; it’s an affirmation. An affirmation of our relentless quest to weave the fabric of decentralized identity across as many chains as possible, and beyond. With Nautilus, we’re adding another vibrant thread to this ever-evolving tapestry.

Our commitment remains the same: to ensure every user, on every chain, gets the decentralized identity they deserve. By integrating with Nautilus, we’re promising the Nautilus community the same privilege: a decentralized identity, seamlessly integrated, securely stored, and forever yours.

As NFT3’s Founder and Lead Initiator, Dylan Dewdney, aptly puts it: “Every chain we integrate is a step closer to our goal — a universally accepted decentralized identity. With Nautilus, we’re steering into waters rich with potential.”

Here’s to ISME illuminating yet another star in our decentralized universe. The voyage continues, and our fleet only grows stronger.

In case you haven’t already, get your ISME NOW at and own your digital identity today.

About NFT3

At NFT3, we’re pioneering a new era of digital identity — one that gives power back to the individual. Our unique platform allows individuals to have full control over their digital identities, empowering them to dictate their data journeys across various projects, networks, companies, and institutions.

Join us on this incredible journey, and take control of your digital identity today!

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Shashwat Eternal
Root Network

Novelist + ex startup founder + full time marketer in web3 for 3 years. I write about growth, the collision of culture and technology, and optimistic futurism.