NFT3 Tech Update + Our FIRST EVER Product Teaser!👀

Shashwat Eternal
Root Network
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2022
Get ready for the future.🛸

Hey InterStellars!

This is a special update. We’ve spoken a lot on Decentralized Identity, its importance and inevitability. We’ve tried to share the vision of NFT3’s MetaID — what we believe and hope will pave the way for a future where YOU own your online identity — meaning you control, possess and monetize it as you choose.

Our messaging and marketing has (by choice) not been about boring technical jargon or highfalutin architectural schemas — we have chosen instead to stress the importance of not only what we’re making but what many in the decentralized identity space are making — the absolute need for it if humans are to have any degree of personal sovereignty in the foreseeable future.

But with that being said, today we’re offering our loyal $ISME InterStellars and the web3 space at large a sneak peak into the future sign-in layer of ubiquity. We’re showing you your first glance at NFT3.

Why So Mysterious?🤨

There is, of course, a strategic reason to our having been mum about precisely how we’ve been developing NFT3.

The decentralized identity space is nascent, though growing rapidly — and this means many teams are going after this problem in novel ways. Overall, this is a very positive thing since it’s not amongst ourselves that we’re competing — we’re actually competing against the status quo — the corporations that have fleeced user data to pump stock prices in web2, and aim to do that even more fully with the construction of a walled garden “meta”verse.

Regardless, protecting one’s Go-To-Market strategy is important for any startup, as for us. We’re looking to make a product that is a delight to use, and has instant value-add to every single user by bringing the monetization of personal data in YOUR hands for the first time.

We’ve been a bit secretive, but also entirely open — our initial MVP product will drop in a couple months, approximately, and will focus on validated airdropping and iterating toward a measure/score of credit risk and worthiness utilizing both on and off-chain information.

More details in due time.

For now let’s dive into the architecture of NFT3 a bit.

The Technical Architecture (as much as we can share)

One pillar of the NFT3 business is going to be our SDK. It is where the rich data users choose to share on their own terms will be utilized so any dApps plugging into the NFT3 SDK have access to it as per our users’ wishes. This forms the dApp layer, making sure your NFT3 DID becomes your MetaIdentity — usable everywhere.

Under the hood, the NFT3 DID will plug into Decentralized storage — since data is our most valuable resource.

On the front end, this will be reflected in the NFT:DID that you will be able to mint by staking $ISME and activating your DID.

On another end, processing on the aggregation layer will be made possible in stages.

Check the diagram for more.👇

The Layers of NFT3

In essence, the SDK is a plug-and-play solution for developers to build and integrate NFT3 into whatever they are making, while we take care of the DID gateway.

This is what ensures rapid adoption on the dev side — we handle the identity solution, while you build what you were already building, just with WAY better access to identity data than before, without violating the ideological principles of web3.

Rapid adoption on the user side — we’ll hold on to that plan’s details for now.👽

The NFT3 SDK will plug into any and every dApp that wants rich user data — on their terms

Sneak Peak of YOUR NFT3: the future of Online Identity

So now that the boring schema stuff is done — here comes the cool part.😜

How will your NFT3 dashboard actually look?

The website is super futuristic — will the app be similar or let us all down?

Here’s the first look. See for yourself, please.

This is how the sign-up page looks atm.

A Look at 12345.ISME

This is how the personal profile looks currently. Please do note that this is only Draft 2 of the VERY alpha product.

That being said, we thought a glimpse of this is sure to get you as excited as we are!

Here’s a look at 12345.isme

As can be seen, the idea to take different “splinters” of your online identity and to unify them into a single, streamlined identity hub — is very much on the way.

Long road ahead, but cheers to owning our personal online identity in the future.🥂

About NFT3

NFT3 is the First Unified Decentralized Identity and Credit Network for Web3 and Your Portal to the Metaverse.

NFT3s will become a direct monetization path for individuals to associate value on their terms with various aspects of their data journeys through life with different projects, individuals, social networks, companies, and institutions.

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Shashwat Eternal
Root Network

Novelist + ex startup founder + full time marketer in web3 for 3 years. I write about growth, the collision of culture and technology, and optimistic futurism.