NFT3’s Exciting Double Announcement: Unveiling NFT3’s New Look and Groundbreaking Product ALLY!

Shashwat Eternal
Root Network
3 min readJul 28, 2023


Dear $ISME InterStellars,

We have some thrilling updates to share with you! As we continue to break new ground in creating a decentralized identity ecosystem, we’re delighted to announce two key advancements in our journey.

1. A Fresh Digital Face for NFT3

First off, we’ve launched a revamped website at! Staying true to our iconic vibe from two years ago, the new site showcases a fresh design language that aligns ISME and NFT3 more seamlessly and aims to provide a user-friendly overview of our products.

Remember, NFT3 is your one-stop-shop for all things decentralized identity, and our site is designed to reflect just that. Explore and experience the world of NFT3 now!

2. Say Hello to ALLY: Catalyzing Growth in Web3

With the launch of our new website, we’re also introducing you to ALLY, our next product rollout. Designed as an effective and organic user growth toolbox for Web3 projects, ALLY will reshape how decentralized ecosystems attract, engage, and retain users.

Imagine this — a product to support Web3 projects in attracting, engaging, and retaining users within the rapidly evolving decentralized ecosystem by creating a robust and sustainable growth strategy. This marks an exciting phase for us following the success of ISME, our inaugural product, and the developer-friendly NFT3 SDK.

We kept this one under wraps so far but it’s time to let the world see ALLY. Let’s grow together!

Digital Property Rights: A Core Value

At the heart of everything we do here is the core message of digital property rights — a vision shared by our lead investors, Animoca Brands. This principle is the driving force behind our products and our mission.

The Future is Composable, Interoperable, and Scalable” — this phrase encapsulates our vision at NFT3. With our suite of features including NFT-Wrapped DID, DAO-Governance, Multi-chain Aggregation, and On-chain Reputation System, we’re providing a comprehensive decentralized identity solution, putting you in full control of your digital identity.

Join us as we make strides in this remarkable journey, reshaping the digital world into a more open, fair, and sovereign space for all.

About NFT3

NFT3 is pioneering a new era of decentralised digital identity, one that empowers individuals to control their digital identities and dictate their data journeys across various projects, networks, companies, and institutions. Let’s build a transparent and collaborative future together!

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Shashwat Eternal
Root Network

Novelist + ex startup founder + full time marketer in web3 for 3 years. I write about growth, the collision of culture and technology, and optimistic futurism.