NFT3’s “The Most Important Thing” Podcast: We’re Back and More Galactic Than Ever!🎙🛸

Shashwat Eternal
Root Network


Hey there, InterStellars!

It’s been a hot minute, hasn’t it? 🌌

Remember those illuminating conversations, deep dives into web3, and our quest to sift the noise from the signal in the ever-evolving digital space? Yep, we’re talking about NFT3’s “The Most Important Thing” Podcast. And guess what? We’re back!

The journey through the vastness of web3, especially during its nascent stages, was fascinating, and our commitment to share, discuss, and explore hasn’t waned. In fact, it’s stronger than ever.

While we took a brief pause, our crew, including NFT3 Founder Dylan Dewdney and a constellation of other brilliant minds, continued their exploration. The horizon has only expanded, and there’s so much more to share.

Why the hiatus, you ask? In the vastness of the digital realm, sometimes you need a moment to recalibrate, reorient, and refocus. And now, we’re going to be sharing conversations again on a regular cadence, with incredible guests, topics and banter.

For our returning $ISME InterStellars, thank you for the unwavering faith. To the newcomers, brace yourselves; it’s going to be one heck of a ride!

Our next episode is here, with NFT3 Lead Dylan Dewdney and CMO Shashwat Eternal speaking on the state of the crypto market, AI and what it is already doing, science fiction and the philosophy of proving realness online.

Watch now:

About NFT3

At NFT3, we’re pioneering a new era of digital identity — one that gives power back to the individual. Our unique platform allows individuals to have full control over their digital identities, empowering them to dictate their data journeys across various projects, networks, companies, and institutions.

Join us on this incredible journey, and take control of your digital identity today!

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Shashwat Eternal
Root Network

Novelist + ex startup founder + full time marketer in web3 for 3 years. I write about growth, the collision of culture and technology, and optimistic futurism.