6 Tips On How to Get Started as an NFT Artist on NFTb

Pixel Realm
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2021

The Tyga’s, Lindsay Lohan’s and Daft Punk’s are popularizing NFTs. Lots of sexy headlines surround these expensive Ethereum (ETH) exchanges. But for less known artists, the more spins at the table, the better your odds of winning.

Like the once-unknown Bitcoin rocketing to the moon in value, now’s the time to break into NFTs. It’s never been easier to earn a living via the blockchain. With tons of incentives for new creators. But not all exchanges are the same. Choosing the right place to mint your NFT makes all the difference.

We’re designed for self-starters. Per transaction, NFTb saves you 10–10,000x (avoiding excessive fees) — compared to pricey ETH based NFT marketplaces. NFTb lowers costs as much as humanly possible, so that you can get busy making a living. Here’s 6 simple ways to adopt NFTs today to get an early advantage.

1. Treat it like 2006’s YouTube

Step 1 is to take NFTs seriously. Let’s use the most popular example around, to underline this point. By choosing to auction his work using NFT’s, artist Beeple went from obscurity to the most successful digital artist alive.

From a single auction, at a value of $70M, Beeple’s collage “Everydays” is one of the most valuable art pieces by a living artist. This is the early golden-age for NFTs — it’s not been grasped by the masses yet. We don’t know where it’ll lead. But there’s lots of eye-balls. Hardly any restrictions. And massive prospects for the future.

2. Get your NFTs out there.. FAST!

In the early 2000’s, self published authors made a killing by making e-reader and Kindle books. Today, the market is so saturated that even for talented writers this is very difficult. Those who got in early are now living off the earnings made in that golden era.

In other words, there will be a certain percentage of people who decide to buy a product to participate in the NFT marketplace simply for the novelty of it — or even to invest in NFT-backed art. Just spend more hours in the day creating material, than consuming. Play the odds.

Have more digital products out there, available for purchase. Mastery of your craft is great…but we suggest not to hesitate to get materials out there ASAP! New buyers are actively looking for NFT products.

3. Make sure you still do marketing and social media

Marketing is the craft of growing and directing traffic from one place to another. The most prominent NFT creators, like Beeple, are doing non-stop engaging with their audience on social media.

Two incredible places to start are with the Futur agency and Ergo Josh on the UTube. Get a range of marketing tips for artists. These bespeckled 😎 content creators talk often about how artists can better market themselves. Whether you’re traditionally marketing or connecting with charities, it’s easier to sell art after making a personal connection with savvy buyers.

4. Choose a network with low ‘gas fees’

As mentioned in the introduction, the Ethereum blockchain requires a much larger payment of “gas fees.” These fees cover the computational mining required for transactions on the ETH blockchain. (In other words, users must pay for the electricity powering these machines as they churn out your crypto- currency transactions). We are up to 35x cheaper per transaction than ETH NFT marketplaces — which also means we have less ecological impact.

5. Continue to copyright and stay secure

You’re probably as interested in protecting your crypto as with making it. Before being able to mint on NFTb, artists will need to connect a wallet containing BSB. This is where you’ll store digital currencies: wallets are able to interact with decentralized apps such as NFTb.

See here for the wallets that NFTb accepts.

6. Take advantage of NFT communities

With any innovation, there’s no better source for information than direct inside the surrounding community that is learning together — whether via Twitter, Discord or Telegram. As much of this is cutting-edge, aspiring NFT artists can get extra advantages by outsourcing knowledge. Learn from semi-established artists in the industry, avoiding mistakes and learning smarter routes — while staying up on trends, insider knowledge and fresh opportunities… Express your interest to join NFTb as an artist 👈🏽.



Pixel Realm
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