Find and follow top NFT trends w/the updated NFTBank mobile

Jen Kim
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2022

In our previous announcement, we shared that there will be series of update to our mobile app 😎

In this round of app update, we bring you various ways to follow the volatile NFT market and stay ahead of the game. Remember the Deal of the Day feature, covered on The Defiant (link)? That feature is now available on mobile, as well as some of the other cool new features.

Check it out yourself by downloading here: Android | iOS 🚀

[NFTBank mobile app 1.3.0: Feature run-down]

Popular collections insight

You no longer need to rely on the ‘Stats’ tab on Opensea to find out what are the top NFT collections and items. With NFTBank’s new mobile app, you can quickly get a sense of the trending NFT collections, which of those fit you, and more.

Favorite collections watchlist

Cut through the noise of countless NFT collections and get timely updates on your favorite collections. Keep those notable NFT collections on the watchlist and you’ll be just a few taps away from their key updates on our mobile app (Android | iOS).

Alpha Opportunities

We are dedicated to making it easier for you to find great NFT-based opportunities. In addition to bringing the Deal of the Day (covered by The Defiant (link), we give you the rundown on what collections are popular AND affordable. And what else? You’ll also learn of projects that have delivered alpha in the past periods so that you can find similar opportunities in the future.

Tell us what you think!

Are these new features helpful? What else would you like to see in our mobile app?

Try our app (download: Android | iOS 🚀 ) and share your experience on Twitter & Discord, and tag us!

P.S. Our team will be in NFT NYC, wearing our T-shirts, and carrying some stickers.

NFTBank stickers

Come say hi & share your thoughts! We’d love to meet you 😊

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