Market Status API is Now Available

Get listing and trading information about any NFT collection!

Sophie Jang
3 min readFeb 14, 2023


Understanding NFT market trends involves more than just surfing through marketplaces. You can check out floor prices and the number of NFTs in a collection via OpenSea, but that’s basically it.

What if there’s a way to collect every market data about any NFT collection you like? Let’s say — the number of NFTs newly listed in the market today? Or the total number of NFTs traded ever since the collection was minted? What about the minimum and maximum sales price throughout a certain timeline?

NFTBank’s new API product, the “Market Status API,” is here to make all this possible. Categorized into three different features, this API helps you get a full picture of NFT market trends. This is especially a great tool for those of you who are building NFT data analytics or NFT marketplace aggregators.

Now, let’s take a look at each feature one by one:

  1. NFT Listing Data,
  2. NFT Trading Data,
  3. and NFT Sales Statistics.

NFT Listing Data

NFT Listing Data covers two types of datasets:

  • todayListed The number of NFTs in a collection that has been newly listed in the market today
  • totalListed The total number of NFTs currently listed in the market

With this API, you can identify the supply of NFTs in a specific collection. You can also access the historical listing data with our API, so don’t give away the opportunity to test this out.

NFT Trading Data

NFT Trading Data consists of four different trading-related datasets:

  • numTrades The total number of trading activities that took place in the collection in a day
  • mintTrades The total number of minting activities that took place in the collection in a day
  • totalSupply The total supply of the collection, i.e., the number of NFTs
  • tradeVolume The total volume of NFT trades in ETH

By utilizing the Trading API, you can fetch data that shows how active the selling/buying activities of a collection are. That is, you can compare the size of trading activities in different NFT collections to figure out the most popular collection at the moment.

Sales Statistics Data

Sales Statistics API provides you the insights into NFT sales over a certain period of time and gives the following set of data:

  • min The minimum price of NFT in the collection sold in a day
  • max The maximum price of NFT in the collection sold in a day
  • avg The average price of NFTs in the collection sold in a day
  • var The variance of NFT prices in the collection sold in a day
  • SoldPrice Proportion from the first to last category of interest (p1~p9)

Going deeper from the Trading Data API, you can find out the minimum/maximum price of NFTs sold in a collection. This may be an important insight for understanding the distribution of sales in a collection.

Building With Market Status API

Now that we’ve skimmed through each individual endpoint, you might have an idea of how to well-integrate this tool to better your product or service. Here’s what you can do next:

  1. Access NFTBank’s Market Status API and try it out yourself. There’s a test API key in the docs waiting for you already!
  2. If you like it, try out our other API endpoints as well — notably the Estimated Price API, our proprietary data for NFT valuations.
  3. Want to get your own API key for integration? Request for an API key through our Typeform. Our team will review your response and get back to you soon.

NFTBank is always on the frontline of NFT financialization, building useful infrastructure for teams that want to build financial protocols on top of NFTs. Subscribe to our channel to get updated on our latest features!

About NFTBank

NFTBank is an NFT portfolio management tool and valuation engine, allowing users to make informed decisions about their NFT portfolio and enable advanced DeFi use cases. NFTBank’s ML-powered NFT valuation engine covers 5000+ projects with high accuracy.

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