The Complete Guidebook to NFTBank Part 2 — Collection Details Page

John Kim
Published in
5 min readOct 3, 2022

The full story of an NFT Collection

We are continuing on the saga for the NFTBank guidebook. Last time we covered the discover page which helps you find NFTs that you can buy, sell, and even get a loan with!

Check it out if you missed it:

This time, we’ll be covering the Collection Details Page where you can take a deeper look within a collection.

Estimated Price Distribution: The Collection Spread

When you first click on a collection of your interest, you’ll notice that there are two tabs on the collections page: analytics and items. Let’s take a look at the analytics first so you see how this collection works in the first place before jumping into individual NFTs.

The first thing you’ll notice is the Estimated Price Distribution. This graph shows the number of NFTs in a collection according to their estimated price.

For example, we see that more than 4000 apes are estimated to be a little over 71ETH. We can also see that there are less than 500 apes that are valued at around 205ETH. You can use this information in the following ways:

  1. You can choose a price tier based on how the collection is spread to use as a reference when buying/selling NFTs.
  2. If you own an NFT from the collection, find out which tier your NFT belongs to, to see how valuable it is in the collection.

Move the cursor around yourself and take a look at individual BAYC’s prices right now in REAL-TIME!

Why is the estimated price below the floor price?

Below the chart, we provide you the minimum estimated price along with the floor from three major marketplaces so that you guys have a wide view of the floor.

Many of you know that floor price is the lowest listed price for the collection. This means that usually, people try to sell the NFT AT LEAST at the floor price of the collection. But for this case, you’ll see that our minimum estimated price is actually a lot lower than the floor price! What gives?

Our estimated price is based on the actual transaction which means it is based on the “sold” price whereas the floor represents the “listed” price. In other words, because we know that there are actual transactions being made under the floor price, the estimated price shows prices that are under the floor as well.

This way you have the real market view of the collection and can help you decide whether or not you want to buy, sell, or make loans on any NFTs from that collection in the first place.

We understand that a lot of users could be uncertain about how reliable the estimated price might be so we give you the accuracy of our estimate price of each collection on “Estimate Accuracy”. Be sure to check it out!

Collection History Data: Real transactions vs. Floor price

As you checked our estimated price distribution, you might have been surprised to find out how the actual transactions might work compared to the floor price of the collection. We answer this very question through our “Collection History Data”, where we show you a granular display of the transactions in dots and the historical floor price as the red line.

In BAYC’s case, for the past three months, most of the transactions were aggregated around the floor with a few exceptions (which explains why certain NFTs are estimated to be priced a lot higher in our model).

You can also switch off the “sales” switch on the top right corner, and follow the collection floor zoomed in! And don’t forget we also have different time periods in which you can view from on the right 😆

Enough with the charts, let’s move on to real individual examples of NFT transactions to give you an even closer look.

Recent Sales Analytics: How did our estimate do?

Finally, we have brought you down to the most specific details in terms of transactions. Here we show you individual NFT items from the most recent sales.

We give you stats like the sold price, our estimate price, and how much our estimate price deviated from the sold price along with the date of the transaction. Click on the individual NFTs to find out more about why they could have been sold at a certain price. You might be in for a surprise on how much you can find out about from a single NFT. 👀

Items tab: Time to look for your favorite NFT

If you’ve been following through this guide, you might have forgotten that we still have the “Items” tab in the beginning. Scroll back up and click on the “items” tab.

We have made our items search page much like a marketplace so that you can now look through NFTs based on which traits you want AND the estimated price range! If you don’t know which price range to start, you can recall to the Estimated Price Distribution chart, where you have a pricing reference to pick from! Are you ready to look for your NFT? Click away!

And as mentioned before, clicking into an individual NFT will take you to the “Item Details Page” where more features await for your use.

We’ll be explaining the Item Details Page in the last part of the guide for the desktop product update.

Stay tuned. Coming out sooner than you think! 😉

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