Easy to use: why NFT Bunny breaks down barriers

NFT Bunny
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2021

When we started developing NFT Bunny we wanted to distinguish ourselves by creating a platform that was for everyone. It had to have one characteristic: it had to be easy to use.

Barriers to the growth of the NFT industry

2021 will surely be remembered as the year of the NFT boom, but those who live the industry know that there is still a lot of untapped potential. We asked ourselves:

  • What is stopping so many artists from going digital?
  • What’s stopping fans or communities from buying NFTs?

The first answer we came up with is that the technological barrier must seem like an insurmountable obstacle to many. That’s why we wanted NFT Bunny to be designed to be used even by those without crypto and blockchain skills.

Easy to use: NFT minting on NFT Bunny

Minting (creating) NFTs on NFT Bunny does not require any specific blockchain knowledge. All you need to do is be registered on the platform and select the create button.

If you have already connected your wallet you will see a dashboard where you can upload an image ready to be transformed into NFT. At first, only images and gifs can be uploaded, but later the possibility of uploading videos and text content will be added.

It is at this point that you can decide to create obscured content, simply by clicking on add overlay. In this way, the NFT is only partially obscured, and with the appropriate commands we can enlarge or reduce the part to be hidden. If, on the other hand, you want to obscure the work completely, just click on full overlay.

NFT Bunny dashboard to mint NFTs
How NFT Bunny’s dashboard to create NFTs will look like

At the same time, you can give your artwork a title and a short description. All that’s left to do is to add a price or determine whether you want an auction mechanism.

All this is done with a simple user interface, while the technology behind NFT Bunny records all information on the blockchain.

Trade NFT on NFT Bunny

Most NFT marketplaces allow you to buy in ETH. On NFT Bunny you can choose to buy with different forms of payment: from BUN token to Ethereum. Or even, by credit card.

NFT Bunny wallet
An example of a wallet on NFT Bunny

With this choice NFT Bunny has decided to open the NFT market to those who do not own cryptocurrencies. In this case the user can open a cold wallet directly on NFT Bunny to store his NFTs. At any time, should the user become more practical, he can move his NFTs to ERC20 wallets such as Metamask.

Breaking down barriers

Our mission is to break down the barriers to the mass adoption of NFTs. These are just the first steps. But we have many more features in store that will be implemented soon to make NFTs truly affordable for everyone.



NFT Bunny

NFT Bunny enables influencers, artists and content creators to create and sell exclusive digital content.🖌🖼