How to mint NFTs for free on Polygon

NFT Bunny
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2022
How to create NFTs for free on Polygon

In this tutorial you will see how to create NFTs on the Polygon network for free with NFT Bunny. Let’s go!

First, login with your username and password and connect your wallet.

NFT Bunny home page
NFT Bunny home page

In our case, user Lizard88 has connected Metamask.

Connecting Metamask to NFT Bunny
Connecting Metamask to NFT Bunny

As you can see, when the wallet is connected, the window indicates this. Notice that in this wallet connected to Polygon network there are 0 ETH, totally empty, but it doesn’t matter because on NFT Bunny minting on Polygon is free.

Wallet connected
Wallet connected

Once wallet is connected, you are ready to create your NFT. First, click on Create.

Click on Create to start creating NFT on NFT Bunny
Click on Create to start creating NFT on NFT Bunny

In the next window, upload a file by clicking on Choose file.

Once you have chosen the file you want to mint, you can add a price in MATIC and see the equivalent value in dollars. Choose a category.

Filling price and category when minting an NFT
Filling price and category when minting an NFT

Now, type a title for your NFT and write a short description.

Add title and description of the new NFT
Add title and description of the new NFT

Please note that if you do not enter a percentage of royalty fees you cannot go on with the creation of your non-fungible token.

Once you have chosen the royalties, just click on Create and you’re done. All that remains is to wait for the transaction to be validated, which as you have seen is free.

When it’s done you can see the final result.

New NFT created on NFT Bunny
New NFT created on NFT Bunny

Remember that every time you mint an NFT, you will find it in the Create section of your profile, with all the information you have entered and those related to the blockchain.

NFT information
NFT information

Easy right?

See you soon for a new tutorial.



NFT Bunny

NFT Bunny enables influencers, artists and content creators to create and sell exclusive digital content.🖌🖼