NFT Bunny is online: the first social marketplace is live!

NFT Bunny
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2022
NFT Bunny is live

NFT Bunny is online! The launch took place at 6:30 PM (CET) yesterday, 31 January, as scheduled.

Users and creators can now mint and trade NFTs on three different blockchain: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polygon.

The minting of NFTs on the Polygon network had already been launched successfully in recent days, and many creators had responded to the call and have started minting their contents before the launch of the platform.

NFT Bunny is very interesting for creators, thanks to the opportunity to choose on which blockchain to mint their NFTs. They can even mint with zero costs using Polygon blockchain.

Artists earn 96% from the price of the sale of the NFTs they create, and when minting, they can set a royalty percentage receive for subsequent sales that occur within NFT Bunny.

This makes it highly lucrative for artists. In addition, at the content creation stage, authors can decide to partially or totally obscure the NFT, generating more hype around the work.

The features of NFT Bunny

In this first phase, on NFT Bunny users can sign up, connect their wallet, mint and trade NFTs. In addition, they can choose whether to view the marketplace in light or dark mode.

More features will be launched soon to make the platform even more intriguing. Social features will soon be added and they will transform NFT Bunny from a simple marketplace to a social marketplace where artists and community can interact, chat and exchange feedback.

This will be followed by the implementation of virtual galleries and metaverse, where artists will also be able to create initiatives, not only exhibitions, but also meetings, workshops and spectacular events.

Finally, a “News” section will be added so that the community will always be up-to-date on the NFT industry news and on the developments of NFT Bunny.

Ilaria Stirpe, COO of NFT Bunny states:

“We want the launch of NFT Bunny to be a milestone for the NFT industry. We’ve currently launched the marketplace feature, but we’re very pleased with how artists responded to our call to start mining on Polygon before the platform was online. This allowed us to populate NFT Bunny right away and make it attractive to the community as well. The success was also confirmed by the immediate sale of “Dondè zero”, the first NFT artwork of the Dondè brand, on which there was a high concentration of requests from fans. Other important artists are being added, who are also enthusiastic about future implementations of NFT Bunny, particularly those involving the metaverse. Thanks also to the partnerships with OVR and, we will organize spectacular initiatives. But we won’t stop there. We will continue to work to respond to requests from the community and to enrich NFT Bunny with more and more engaging features”.

The BUN token

More news is coming. Shortly the team of NFT Bunny will announce the ways to claim the token, both for those who participated in the presale and for those who took part in the various giveaways organized by the platform.

The procedures for the IDO are currently underway. The team is finalizing the last legal steps, after which we will proceed with the official announcement. This will be followed by the listing of the BUN token on some of the best-known exchanges in the crypto sector.

More information will be shared later. In the meantime, have fun on



NFT Bunny

NFT Bunny enables influencers, artists and content creators to create and sell exclusive digital content.🖌🖼