How to join the social wall on NFT Bunny

NFT Bunny
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2022
Social wall NFT Bunny tutorial

In this tutorial we will show you how to activate the social wall on NFT Bunny. This feature was introduced with the 4 March update but is only available to those who have an account. Those who are not registered will continue to see the classic feed.

Get into NFT Bunny social wall

First, go to, log in with your username and password. Once you have logged in, click on the icon with the squares between the magnifying glass and the wallet.

Social wall icon
Social wall icon

You will access the social wall where you will see:

  • your profile with friends, following and followers,
  • a list of users and artists you can follow,
  • NFTs suggested according to your preferences.
NFT Bunny social wall

Friends and followers on NFT Bunny

To start building your network, all you have to do is start adding friends and followers. The difference is that when chat will be implemented, you will be able to interact with friends but not with followers whose content you will receive in your feed. To add friends and followers, search for a profile. In this case, we will look for our COO Ilaria Stirpe, and add her as both a friend and a follower.

“Add friend” and “follow” buttons on NFT Bunny
“Add friend” and “follow” buttons

Ilaria just has to confirm the friend request, while the following is automatic. We will see our friends and followers counter update. If we want to remove someone from the friendship, we just have to click on remove friend and unfollow from the selected profile. Returning to our profile we will see the counter move backwards.

Easy right?

Have a look at the full tutorial on Youtube:

These are the first developments of the NFT Bunny social interface, many more features are on the way.



NFT Bunny

NFT Bunny enables influencers, artists and content creators to create and sell exclusive digital content.🖌🖼