A Deep Dive into Bitcoin Layer 2 Expansion and Top Projects to Watch Out for 2024

NFT Daily Dose
Published in
8 min readApr 4, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin Layer 2 Blockchain Solutions have emerged as a crucial avenue for scalability, efficiency, and innovation. As we delve into 2024, the expansion of Layer 2 protocols continues to shape the trajectory of Bitcoin’s ecosystem. This exploration aims to unravel the intricacies of this expansion, highlighting key projects poised to make significant contributions in the coming year. Join us on this journey as we uncover the dynamics driving Bitcoin’s Layer 2 evolution and identify the projects set to leave a lasting impact in 2024.

Understanding Scalability Trilemma

The scalability trilemma refers to the challenge faced by blockchain networks in achieving a balance between three key aspects: security, decentralization, and speed.

  1. Security: This aspect relates to the robustness of the network’s defenses against attacks and vulnerabilities. A highly secure blockchain ensures that transactions are immutable and resistant to tampering or unauthorized alterations. Achieving strong security often requires robust consensus mechanisms and cryptographic protocols.
  2. Decentralization: Decentralization refers to the distribution of control and decision-making across a network’s participants. A decentralized blockchain network is characterized by a large number of independent nodes, each contributing to the validation and verification of transactions. Decentralization helps prevent single points of failure and enhances censorship resistance.
  3. Speed: Speed, or throughput, refers to the network’s ability to process transactions quickly and efficiently. A high-speed blockchain can handle a large volume of transactions per second, enabling swift and responsive user experiences. However, increasing speed often involves trade-offs with security and decentralization.

Transaction throughput of Bitcoin vs. Ethereum


  • Bitcoin’s transaction throughput is limited by its design, with a block size capped at 1 MB and a block creation time of around 10 minutes.
  • On average, Bitcoin can process approximately 3–4 transactions per second (TPS), which is relatively low compared to other blockchain networks.
  • Despite its limited throughput, Bitcoin remains the largest and most secure cryptocurrency by market capitalization, primarily serving as a store of value rather than a medium for everyday transactions.


  • Ethereum’s transaction throughput is higher than Bitcoin’s due to its shorter block creation time and a more flexible architecture.
  • Ethereum’s block creation time is around 20 seconds, allowing for faster transaction confirmation compared to Bitcoin.
  • Ethereum’s throughput can vary depending on network congestion and gas fees, but it can process around 15–30 transactions per second on average.
  • Ethereum’s higher throughput makes it more suitable for decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts, enabling a broader range of use cases beyond simple value transfer.

What is Layer 2?

Layer 2 refers to a secondary protocol or framework built on top of an existing blockchain network, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Layer 2 solutions aim to enhance the scalability and efficiency of the underlying blockchain by processing transactions off-chain or through alternative methods, while still retaining the security and decentralization provided by the main chain.

These solutions operate independently from the main blockchain but are anchored to it in some way, typically through periodic settlement transactions or cryptographic proofs. By conducting transactions off-chain, Layer 2 solutions can significantly increase the throughput and speed of transactions, reduce fees, and enable new functionalities like smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps).

Need for Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions

The need for Layer 2 solutions for Bitcoin arises from the scalability trilemma, which posits that achieving high levels of security, decentralization, and speed simultaneously is challenging for blockchain networks. Bitcoin, known for its strong security and decentralization, sacrifices transaction speed due to its energy-intensive proof-of-work consensus mechanism. This limitation results in Bitcoin’s transaction throughput being significantly lower than networks like Ethereum.

The rise of Ethereum, with its faster transaction processing and lower fees, has led to greater adoption for everyday transfers and decentralized applications, leaving Bitcoin’s capital relatively unproductive. Additionally, the emergence of NFTs on Bitcoin has worsened network congestion, increasing transaction fees. As Bitcoin’s market dominance declines, there’s a need for better scalability solutions to maintain its competitiveness.

Layer 2 solutions, such as the Lightning Network, offer a promising solution by processing transactions off the main chain, thereby increasing throughput and reducing fees while maintaining security and decentralization. As Ethereum advances with solutions like data sharding, Bitcoin must adopt Layer 2 technologies to keep pace and remain relevant in the evolving blockchain landscape.

Examples of Layer 2 solutions

  1. Payment channels: Payment channels allow users to conduct multiple transactions off-chain, settling the final result on the main blockchain. They enable fast and low-cost microtransactions by reducing the need for on-chain confirmation for each transaction.
  2. Sidechains: Sidechains are separate blockchains that are interoperable with the main blockchain. They allow users to move assets between the main chain and the sidechain, enabling scalability and experimentation with different consensus mechanisms and features.
  3. State channels: State channels enable off-chain interactions between parties, where transactions are conducted privately and only the final state is recorded on the main blockchain. They are suitable for scenarios requiring real-time interactions, such as gaming and micropayments.
  4. Rollups: Rollups aggregate multiple transactions off-chain, compressing them into a single transaction that is submitted to the main blockchain. They enhance scalability by reducing the number of transactions processed directly on-chain while preserving security through cryptographic proofs.

The top Layer 2 solutions for Bitcoin

The top Layer 2 solutions for Bitcoin include:

  1. Lightning Network: Lightning Network facilitates fast and low-cost Bitcoin transactions by establishing off-chain payment channels between users. It enables instant micropayments and improves scalability by reducing the number of transactions processed on the main blockchain.
  2. Liquid Network: Liquid Network is a sidechain built on top of Bitcoin, providing faster settlement times and confidential transactions. It is primarily used for inter-exchange transfers and trading activities, offering enhanced privacy and liquidity for Bitcoin transactions.
  3. Rootstock (RSK): Rootstock is a Bitcoin sidechain that supports smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). It enables developers to build Ethereum-like applications on top of the Bitcoin network, expanding its functionality beyond simple value transfer.
  4. bStacks Network is a Layer 2 sidechain for Bitcoin that utilizes a Proof of Transfer (PoX) consensus mechanism. It supports smart contracts and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, allowing developers to build applications on top of Bitcoin while maintaining its security and decentralization.

Nakamoto Upgrade

The Nakamoto Upgrade refers to a proposed enhancement to the Stacks Network (STX), a Bitcoin Layer 2 sidechain. This upgrade aims to address scalability and transaction finality issues within the Stacks Network ecosystem.

Key features of the Nakamoto Upgrade include:

  1. Separation of block production from cryptographic sortitions: This change aims to decrease transaction confirmation time to seconds by decoupling block production from the cryptographic sortition process.
  2. Improved transaction finality: The Nakamoto Upgrade seeks to ensure 100% transaction finality by preventing Stacks Network forks after transaction confirmation, making transaction reversal as challenging as reversing a Bitcoin transaction.
  3. Changes to the sortition algorithm: Alterations to the sortition algorithm prevent Bitcoin miners from gaining an advantage as Stacks miners. This includes decoupling Stacks tenure changes from Bitcoin block arrivals and requiring collaboration among stackers to validate and sign each Nakamoto Stacks block.

Comparing Bitcoin Layer 2 Solutions

When comparing Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions, it’s essential to consider various factors such as scalability, security, decentralization, transaction speed, and usability. Here’s a comparison of some of the prominent Bitcoin Layer 2 solutions:

Lightning Network:

  • Type: Payment channels.
  • Strengths: Facilitates fast and low-cost Bitcoin transactions, scalable for micropayments, high degree of privacy and anonymity.
  • Limitations: Adoption is still growing, operational challenges, limited to simple transactions without smart contract support.

Liquid Network:

  • Type: Sidechain.
  • Strengths: Faster settlement times, confidential transactions, suitable for inter-exchange transfers and trading activities.
  • Limitations: Relatively centralized, primarily used for specific use cases like trading, less suitable for retail users.

Rootstock (RSK):

  • Type: Sidechain.
  • Strengths: Supports smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps), interoperability with Ethereum, enhanced functionality.
  • Limitations: Adoption is relatively low, potential security vulnerabilities with smart contracts, dependence on centralized custodians.

Stacks Network (STX):

  • Type: Sidechain.
  • Strengths: Supports smart contracts and DeFi applications, utilizes Proof of Transfer (PoX) consensus, maintains security and decentralization of Bitcoin.
  • Limitations: Limited adoption outside the Bitcoin ecosystem, challenges with scalability and transaction finality.


Collaborating with Bitcoin Layer 2 scaling solutions presents a strategic opportunity for businesses and developers to overcome the scalability limitations of the Bitcoin network while enhancing transaction throughput and reducing fees. By integrating with Layer 2 protocols such as Lightning Network or sidechains, companies can unlock new avenues for fast, cheap, and secure Bitcoin transactions, thus improving user experience and expanding market reach. Moreover, collaboration fosters innovation and ecosystem growth, allowing stakeholders to collectively drive advancements in Layer 2 technology and contribute to the wider adoption of Bitcoin as a viable means of payment and store of value.

Final Thoughts

As we conclude our exploration of Bitcoin’s Layer 2 expansion and the top projects to watch out for in 2024, it’s evident that this space is ripe with potential and innovation. The scalability solutions offered by Layer 2 protocols hold the key to addressing the challenges faced by the Bitcoin network, paving the way for broader adoption and enhanced functionality. With promising initiatives on the horizon, the future of Bitcoin’s Layer 2 ecosystem looks promising. By staying informed and engaged with the developments in this space, stakeholders can actively contribute to and benefit from the ongoing evolution of Bitcoin’s infrastructure. As we anticipate further advancements and breakthroughs, let us remain vigilant and enthusiastic about the transformative potential of Layer 2 solutions in shaping the future of decentralized finance and digital transactions.

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NFT Daily Dose

Passionate wordsmith fascinated by Layer 2 Ethereum and blockchain tech. Eager to contribute to innovation and adoption in the evolving world of DeFi.