ERC-721 NFT Development: A Complete Guide to NFT Creation and Deployment in 2024

Angelika Candie
NFT Daily Dose
Published in
14 min readJul 22, 2024
ERC-721 NFT Development
Fig: ERC-721 NFT Development

In the ever-evolving world of blockchain technology, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a revolutionary force, redefining digital ownership and asset uniqueness. At the heart of this transformation is the ERC-721 standard, a pioneering protocol on the Ethereum blockchain that facilitates the creation of unique, irreplaceable tokens. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and identical, ERC-721 tokens represent distinct items with their own set of characteristics and values.

The ERC-721 standard was introduced to address the need for a protocol that could handle tokens of individual value, paving the way for the vibrant NFT ecosystem we see today. These tokens are indispensable for a wide range of applications, from digital art and collectibles to gaming assets and virtual real estate. With ERC-721, each token is unique and can be used to verify ownership, provenance, and authenticity, offering a new level of transparency and trust in the digital world.

Developing ERC-721 NFTs involves understanding and implementing smart contracts that adhere to this standard. These smart contracts ensure that each token is not unique but also interoperable across various platforms and applications. As the NFT space continues to expand, mastering ERC-721 development becomes crucial for anyone looking to leverage the power of blockchain to create, manage, and trade unique digital assets.

In this guide, we will delve into the intricacies of ERC-721 NFT development, exploring its key features, benefits, and the essential steps involved in creating your own NFT project. Whether you are a developer, artist, or entrepreneur, this comprehensive introduction will equip you with the knowledge to navigate and harness the potential of ERC-721 NFTs effectively.

What is the ERC721 token standard?

The ERC-721 token standard is a protocol on the Ethereum blockchain designed to create and manage Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Unlike ERC-20 tokens, which are fungible and identical to each other (like cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum), ERC-721 tokens are unique and distinct from one another. Each token has a specific identity and attributes, making it ideal for representing ownership of digital assets that are not interchangeable.

Key Features of ERC-721:

  1. Uniqueness: Each ERC-721 token has a unique identifier, meaning that no two tokens are identical. This feature is crucial for digital assets like collectibles, art, and rare items, where uniqueness and rarity add value.
  2. Ownership and Provenance: ERC-721 tokens facilitate clear ownership and provenance tracking. Every token’s history, including its creation, transfers, and ownership, is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and authenticity.
  3. Interoperability: ERC-721 tokens can be recognized and interacted with across various platforms and applications on the Ethereum network. This interoperability enhances the liquidity and utility of NFTs across different ecosystems.
  4. Metadata and Customization: Each ERC-721 token can be associated with metadata, which might include details like descriptions, images, and other attributes. This metadata is crucial for representing complex assets and ensuring that each token has meaningful and distinct information.
  5. Smart Contract Compliance: ERC-721 is defined through a smart contract interface that specifies the functions and events that a compliant token must support. This includes functions for querying token ownership, transferring tokens, and managing approvals.

Core Functions of ERC-721:

  • ownerOf(uint256 tokenId): Returns the owner of the token specified by tokenId.
  • balanceOf(address owner): Returns the number of tokens owned by a specific address.
  • transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId): Transfers ownership of a token from one address to another.
  • Approve (address to, uint256 tokenId): Allows another address to manage a specific token on behalf of the token owner.
  • getApproved(uint256 tokenId): Returns the address approved for managing the specified token.
  • setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved): Approves or revokes an operator to manage all of the owner’s tokens.

Use Cases:

  • Digital Art and Collectibles: Artists and creators can mint unique digital art pieces as ERC-721 tokens, ensuring each piece’s originality and ownership.
  • Gaming Assets: In-game items, characters, or achievements can be represented as ERC-721 tokens, allowing players to trade or sell them outside the game.
  • Virtual Real Estate: Virtual land or property in metaverse platforms can be tokenized as ERC-721 tokens, representing ownership and rights within the virtual world.

The ERC-721 standard has laid the foundation for the booming NFT market, enabling developers and creators to innovate and explore new possibilities in the digital asset space.

ERC-20 VS ERC-721 VS ERC-1155

ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 are three different Ethereum token standards, each designed for specific use cases and functionalities. Here’s a comparison to help you understand their key differences and applications:


Purpose: The ERC-20 standard is used for creating fungible tokens, which means each token is identical and interchangeable with another token of the same type.

Key Features:

  • Fungibility: Tokens are identical; one token is equivalent to another. This is ideal for cryptocurrencies and tokens used for trading or payments.
  • Basic Functions: Includes essential functions like transfer, approve, transferFrom, and balanceOf to manage and query token balances.
  • Use Cases: Cryptocurrencies (e.g., USDT, LINK), utility tokens, and security tokens.


  • Standardization: Widely adopted, making it easy to integrate with various exchanges and wallets.
  • Simplicity: Easier to implement and manage due to its straightforward design.


Purpose: The ERC-721 standard is designed for creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs), where each token is unique and not interchangeable with other tokens.

Key Features:

  • Uniqueness: Each token has a unique identifier and can represent unique assets like digital art, collectibles, or in-game items.
  • Metadata: Allows for metadata to be associated with each token, providing additional information about the asset.
  • Core Functions: Includes functions like ownerOf, transferFrom, approve, and getApproved to manage token ownership and transfers.

Use Cases:

  • Digital Art: NFTs represent unique pieces of art.
  • Collectibles: Digital collectibles and rare items (e.g., CryptoKitties).
  • Gaming: Unique in-game assets and characters.


  • Unique Ownership: Allows for clear ownership and provenance of unique assets.
  • Interoperability: Works across various platforms and applications within the Ethereum ecosystem.


Purpose: The ERC-1155 standard combines the features of ERC-20 and ERC-721, enabling the creation of both fungible and non-fungible tokens within a single contract.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Token Capability: Allows for the creation and management of multiple token types (both fungible and non-fungible) within a single smart contract.
  • Batch Operations: Supports batch transfers and approvals, making it more efficient for handling large numbers of tokens.
  • Efficiency: Reduces gas costs by allowing multiple token types to be managed in a single contract.

Use Cases:

  • Gaming: Managing in-game currencies (fungible) and unique items (non-fungible) in a single contract.
  • Collectibles: Combining various types of digital collectibles in one contract.
  • Digital Assets: Creating and managing different types of assets more efficiently.


  • Flexibility: Can manage different types of tokens (both fungible and non-fungible) within one contract.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduces transaction costs and improves efficiency by consolidating multiple token types.


  • ERC-20: Best for fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies and utility tokens. Simple and widely used.
  • ERC-721: Ideal for non-fungible tokens, where each token is unique and represents a specific asset. Common in digital art and collectibles.
  • ERC-1155: Versatile and efficient, suitable for both fungible and non-fungible tokens, with batch operations and lower gas costs. Great for gaming and complex digital asset management.

Each standard has its strengths and is tailored for different use cases, depending on whether you need fungibility, uniqueness, or a combination of both.

What is the Function of ERC721 Token?

The ERC-721 token standard defines a set of functions and events that enable the creation and management of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain. Each ERC-721 token is unique and has distinct characteristics, making it ideal for representing unique digital assets such as art, collectibles, and virtual real estate.

Core Functions of ERC-721

ownerOf(uint256 tokenId)

  • Purpose: Returns the current owner of a specific token identified by tokenId.
  • Usage: Allows querying of who owns a particular NFT.

balanceOf(address owner)

  • Purpose: Returns the number of NFTs owned by a specific address.
  • Usage: Provides information on the total count of tokens held by an address.

transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId)

  • Purpose: Transfers ownership of a token from one address to another.
  • Usage: Facilitates the transfer of an NFT from the current owner to a new owner.

approve(address to, uint256 tokenId)

  • Purpose: Grants permission to another address to manage a specific token on behalf of the token owner.
  • Usage: Allows a third party to manage or transfer the token, usually for transactions or trades.

getApproved(uint256 tokenId)

  • Purpose: Returns the address that is approved to manage the specific token identified by tokenId.
  • Usage: Checks who has been granted management rights for a specific token.

setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved)

  • Purpose: Approves or revokes an operator to manage all of the owner’s tokens.
  • Usage: Useful for allowing or denying an address to handle all tokens owned by the caller.

isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator)

  • Purpose: Checks if an operator is approved to manage all tokens of a specific owner.
  • Usage: Verifies whether a certain address has been granted universal management rights over an owner’s tokens.

Core Events of ERC-721

Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId)

  • Purpose: Emitted when a token is transferred from one address to another.
  • Usage: Provides transparency on token ownership changes.

Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId)

  • Purpose: Emitted when the owner of a token approves another address to manage the token.
  • Usage: Notifies about the approval status of token management.

ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved)

  • Purpose: Emitted when an owner grants or revokes approval for an operator to manage all of the owner’s tokens.
  • Usage: Tracks changes in permissions for managing multiple tokens.

The ERC-721 token standard facilitates the management of unique digital assets by defining functions for ownership tracking, transfer, and permission management. It also ensures that these operations are transparent and auditable through the use of events. By implementing these functions, ERC-721 tokens support a wide range of applications where uniqueness and individual ownership are key, such as digital art, collectibles, and virtual goods.

How to Create and Deploy ERC-721?

Creating and deploying an ERC-721 token involves several steps, including writing the smart contract, testing it, and deploying it to the Ethereum blockchain. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Set Up Your Development Environment

Before you start coding, ensure you have the necessary tools:

  • Node.js and npm: For managing dependencies and running scripts.
  • Truffle or Hardhat: Popular Ethereum development frameworks for writing, testing, and deploying smart contracts.
  • Ganache: A local blockchain for testing your contracts.
  • MetaMask: A browser extension wallet for interacting with the Ethereum network.

Install Dependencies

First, set up a new project directory and install the required dependencies. Here’s how to do it with Truffle:

mkdir my-erc721-project

cd my-erc721-project

npm init -y

npm install truffle @openzeppelin/contracts

For Hardhat, you can use:

mkdir my-erc721-project

cd my-erc721-project

npm init -y

npm install — save-dev hardhat @openzeppelin/contracts

Write the ERC-721 Smart Contract

Create a new file for your ERC-721 contract. If using Truffle, place it in the contracts directory. Here’s an example contract:

Using OpenZeppelin Contracts:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import “@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol”;

import “@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol”;

contract MyERC721Token is ERC721, Ownable {

uint256 private _tokenIdCounter;

constructor() ERC721(“MyERC721Token”, “MYT”) {}

function mint(address to) public onlyOwner {


_mint(to, _tokenIdCounter);




  • ERC721: Inherits the ERC-721 implementation from OpenZeppelin.
  • Ownable: Provides basic access control, where only the contract owner can mint new tokens.
  • mint(): Function to create new tokens.
  1. Write Deployment Scripts

Using Truffle:

Create a migration script in the migrations folder:

const MyERC721Token = artifacts.require(“MyERC721Token”);

module.exports = function (deployer) {



Using Hardhat:

Create a deployment script in the scripts folder:

async function main() {

const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners();

console.log(“Deploying contracts with the account:”, deployer.address);

const MyERC721Token = await ethers.getContractFactory(“MyERC721Token”);

const token = await MyERC721Token.deploy();

console.log(“Token deployed to:”, token.address);


main().catch((error) => {


process.exitCode = 1;


Test Your Smart Contract

Write tests to ensure your smart contract functions as expected. For Truffle, tests go in the test folder:

const MyERC721Token = artifacts.require(“MyERC721Token”);

contract(“MyERC721Token”, (accounts) => {

it(“should mint a new token”, async () => {

const instance = await MyERC721Token.deployed();


const owner = await instance.ownerOf(1);

assert.equal(owner, accounts[1]);



For Hardhat, tests are written in the test folder and use Mocha and Chai:

const { expect } = require(“chai”);

describe(“MyERC721Token”, function () {

it(“should mint a new token”, async function () {

const [owner, addr1] = await ethers.getSigners();

const MyERC721Token = await ethers.getContractFactory(“MyERC721Token”);

const token = await MyERC721Token.deploy();

await token.deployed();


expect(await token.ownerOf(1)).to.equal(addr1.address);



Deploy Your Smart Contract

Using Truffle:

Deploy to the Ethereum network:

truffle migrate — network mainnet

Make sure to configure your truffle-config.js with the appropriate network settings.

Using Hardhat:

Deploy to the Ethereum network:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js — network mainnet

Configure your hardhat.config.js with network settings.

Verify and Interact

Once deployed, you can verify your contract on Etherscan and interact with it using tools like MetaMask or web3.js.


  1. Set up the development environment and install dependencies.
  2. Write your ERC-721 smart contract using OpenZeppelin for a secure and standard implementation.
  3. Create deployment scripts for Truffle or Hardhat.
  4. Test your smart contract to ensure it works as expected.
  5. Deploy the contract to the Ethereum blockchain.
  6. Verify and interact with your contract using tools like Etherscan and MetaMask.

This process will help you create and deploy your own ERC-721 NFT on the Ethereum blockchain.

Use Cases of ERC-721 Token

ERC-721 tokens are a powerful tool for representing unique digital assets on the Ethereum blockchain. Their primary feature is the ability to create non-fungible tokens (NFTs), each with distinct attributes and characteristics. Here are some prominent use cases for ERC-721 tokens:

Digital Art and Collectibles

  • Art Marketplaces: ERC-721 tokens are widely used to represent digital art. Artists can mint their work as NFTs, ensuring each piece is unique and traceable. Marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible facilitate the buying, selling, and trading of digital art NFTs.
  • Collectibles: Digital collectibles, such as trading cards or virtual pets, can be tokenized. Examples include CryptoKitties, where each kitten has unique traits and rarity.


  • In-Game Assets: ERC-721 tokens can represent unique in-game items, characters, or achievements. Players can own, trade, or sell these assets outside the game. Games like Axie Infinity and Decentraland use NFTs to manage unique items and properties.
  • Virtual Real Estate: Players can buy, sell, and trade virtual land and properties in blockchain-based worlds like Decentraland and The Sandbox.

Domain Names

  • Blockchain Domains: ERC-721 tokens are used to represent decentralized domain names. Platforms like Unstoppable Domains and ENS (Ethereum Name Service) use NFTs to provide users with unique and tradable blockchain domain names.

Music and Media

  • Music Ownership: Musicians can tokenize their music, allowing them to sell ownership rights or limited edition releases directly to fans. This approach offers new revenue streams and greater control over intellectual property.
  • Media Ownership: Content creators can issue unique NFTs for exclusive media content, such as videos, articles, or behind-the-scenes material.

Virtual Goods and Avatars

  • Avatars and Virtual Items: ERC-721 tokens are used to create and manage unique virtual avatars and items in digital worlds and metaverses. Users can customize and trade their avatars or items.
  • Fashion and Accessories: Digital fashion items and accessories can be tokenized as NFTs, allowing users to showcase and trade their virtual wardrobe in digital spaces.


  • Event Tickets: NFTs can be used as digital tickets for events, providing a unique and verifiable way to manage and trade access passes. This can reduce fraud and provide a secondary market for event tickets.

Real Estate

  • Property Ownership: Physical real estate can be tokenized as ERC-721 NFTs, representing ownership shares or rights. This approach can simplify the process of buying, selling, or leasing properties and enhance transparency in real estate transactions.

Identity and Credentials

  • Digital Identity: ERC-721 tokens can represent digital identities or credentials, providing a secure and verifiable way to manage personal data or access rights.
  • Certifications and Diplomas: Educational institutions and organizations can issue unique NFTs as certificates or diplomas, verifying the authenticity and ownership of educational achievements.

Charity and Fundraising

  • Fundraising Campaigns: Non-profits and charities can create and auction unique NFTs to raise funds. Donors can receive exclusive digital items or experiences in return for their contributions.

Philanthropy and Social Impact

  • Social Impact Projects: ERC-721 tokens can represent unique contributions to social or environmental causes, allowing supporters to track and trade their involvement in various initiatives.

ERC-721 tokens offer a wide range of applications beyond just collectibles and digital art. Their ability to create and manage unique, verifiable assets makes them suitable for various industries and use cases, including gaming, real estate, music, identity management, and more. The versatility and innovation enabled by ERC-721 have contributed to the growing adoption of NFTs across multiple domains.

Cost to Develop a Token on ERC-721 Standard

The cost of developing an ERC-721 token can vary widely based on several factors, including the complexity of the token, the development environment, and the deployment process. Here’s a breakdown of the potential costs involved:

Development Costs

  • Smart Contract Development: If you’re hiring a developer or a development team, costs can range from $1,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on the complexity of the token and the developer’s experience. Basic ERC-721 contracts are relatively straightforward, but additional features, security audits, or customizations can increase costs.
  • Development Tools: Using development frameworks like Truffle or Hardhat is usually free, but you might need to pay for development tools or services that enhance productivity or provide additional features.

Testing Costs

  • Test Networks: Deploying contracts on test networks (e.g., Ropsten, Rinkeby) is free. However, you might need to purchase test ETH or use services that provide test ETH.
  • Testing Services: If you choose to use third-party testing services or hire external auditors to review your smart contract, costs can range from $2,000 to $15,000 or more, depending on the depth of the audit.

Deployment Costs

  • Gas Fees: Deploying an ERC-721 token on the Ethereum mainnet involves gas fees, which can vary based on network congestion and the complexity of your contract. As of 2024, gas fees for deploying a smart contract can range from $100 to $1,000 or more.
  • Deployment Tools: Tools like Truffle and Hardhat are free, but you might incur costs if you use paid deployment services or platforms.

Additional Costs

  • Front-End Development: If you need a user interface or website for interacting with your token, costs can range from $500 to $5,000 or more, depending on the complexity and design requirements.
  • Marketing and Promotion: To promote your ERC-721 token, you might need to budget for marketing, which can vary widely based on your strategy and goals.
  • Legal and Compliance: If you require legal advice or compliance checks, costs can range from $1,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on the legal complexities and jurisdiction.

Example Breakdown

For a basic ERC-721 token with minimal customization:

  1. Development: $1,000 — $5,000
  2. Testing: $0 (using test networks) — $5,000 (for a professional audit)
  3. Deployment: $100 — $1,000 (mainnet gas fees)
  4. Front-End Development: $500 — $2,000
  5. Marketing and Promotion: $500 — $5,000
  6. Legal and Compliance: $1,000 — $5,000

Total Estimated Cost: $2,100 — $18,000

The cost of developing and deploying an ERC-721 token depends on various factors, including development complexity, testing requirements, deployment fees, and additional services. For a basic ERC-721 token, expect to spend anywhere from a few thousand dollars to over $15,000, with costs varying based on your specific needs and goals.


Developing and deploying an ERC-721 token is a multifaceted process that involves several key steps and associated costs. ERC-721 tokens, known for their uniqueness and non-fungibility, provide a powerful framework for creating and managing digital assets, from art and collectibles to gaming items and virtual real estate.

In summary, while developing an ERC-721 token involves several costs and steps, the potential benefits and applications are substantial. Whether you’re creating digital art, virtual goods, or unique collectibles, ERC-721 tokens offer a robust and flexible solution for managing and trading unique assets in the digital realm. By carefully planning and budgeting for development, testing, deployment, and additional services, you can successfully navigate the process and leverage the power of ERC-721 tokens to achieve your goals.

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