How to Launch NFT Token on Arbitrum in 2024?

Annabelle Darcie
NFT Daily Dose
Published in
9 min readMay 15, 2024
NFT Token
Fig: NFT Token

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have revolutionized the digital asset landscape, offering unique digital ownership and provenance on the blockchain. NFTs represent digital or physical assets, each with distinct characteristics, making them irreplaceable and indivisible.

In recent years, NFTs have gained significant traction across various industries, including art, gaming, collectibles, and even real estate. Their popularity stems from their ability to authenticate and tokenize digital assets, enabling creators to monetize their work and collectors to invest in unique digital items.

NFT development involves creating smart contracts on blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or others, to define the properties, ownership, and transferability of the tokenized assets. These smart contracts ensure the immutability and transparency of transactions, securing the authenticity and ownership of NFTs.

Key components of NFT development include:

  1. Smart Contract Development: Crafting smart contracts that define the unique properties, ownership rights, and transferability of NFTs.
  2. Metadata Management: Storing metadata associated with each NFT, including information about the asset, creator, and any additional attributes.
  3. Tokenization Standards: Adhering to token standards like ERC-721 or ERC-1155 (on Ethereum) for ensuring compatibility and interoperability within the broader ecosystem.
  4. Marketplace Integration: Building or integrating with NFT marketplaces where creators can mint, buy, sell, and trade NFTs seamlessly.
  5. Wallet Integration: Enabling users to securely store, manage, and interact with their NFTs through compatible cryptocurrency wallets.
  6. Licensing and Royalties: Implementing mechanisms for creators to enforce licensing rights and earn royalties on secondary sales of their NFTs.
  7. Scalability and Interoperability: Designing solutions that can scale to accommodate large numbers of transactions and interact with other blockchain networks.

As the NFT space continues to evolve, innovative applications and use cases emerge, driving further demand for NFT development services. Whether it’s digital art, virtual real estate, or in-game assets, NFTs offer endless possibilities for creators, collectors, and developers alike.

Why Create NFTs on Arbitrum?

Arbitrum, a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, offers several advantages for creating and trading NFTs:

  1. Scalability: Arbitrum significantly enhances Ethereum’s scalability by processing transactions off-chain and batching them into a single on-chain transaction. This allows for faster and cheaper transactions, making it more cost-effective to mint, buy, and trade NFTs.
  2. Lower Gas Fees: With Arbitrum, users benefit from reduced gas fees compared to directly interacting with the Ethereum mainnet. This makes minting and trading NFTs more accessible to a broader audience, especially for creators and collectors dealing with smaller transactions.
  3. Compatibility with Ethereum: Arbitrum is fully compatible with Ethereum, meaning that NFTs created on Arbitrum can seamlessly interact with Ethereum-based applications and wallets. This interoperability ensures that NFTs retain their value and utility within the broader Ethereum ecosystem.
  4. Security: Arbitrum maintains a high level of security by leveraging Ethereum’s underlying security mechanisms. Smart contracts deployed on Arbitrum benefit from Ethereum’s battle-tested security features, providing confidence to creators and collectors in the integrity of their NFT transactions.
  5. Developer-Friendly Environment: Arbitrum provides a developer-friendly environment with support for Solidity smart contracts, making it easy for developers to create, deploy, and manage NFTs. Additionally, existing Ethereum development tools and libraries can be used with Arbitrum, streamlining the development process.
  6. Community and Ecosystem: Arbitrum has a growing community and ecosystem, with various projects and protocols building on its platform. This fosters innovation and collaboration, offering creators and collectors a vibrant marketplace for their NFTs.
  7. Cross-Chain Compatibility: Arbitrum supports interoperability with other blockchains, allowing for the seamless transfer of assets and data across different networks. This opens up opportunities for creators to explore new markets and reach a wider audience for their NFTs.

In summary, creating NFTs on Arbitrum offers scalability, lower fees, security, compatibility with Ethereum, a developer-friendly environment, a supportive community, and cross-chain compatibility, making it an attractive choice for NFT development and trading.

How to Create an NFT Token on Arbitrum?

Creating an NFT token on Arbitrum involves several steps:

  1. Set Up an Arbitrum Wallet: Before creating an NFT on Arbitrum, you need to set up an Arbitrum-compatible wallet. Popular choices include MetaMask or any other wallet that supports the Arbitrum network. Ensure that your wallet is connected to the Arbitrum network.
  2. Deploy a Smart Contract: Write a smart contract that adheres to the ERC-721 or ERC-1155 standard for NFTs. You can use Solidity, the most common programming language for Ethereum smart contracts. Make sure your contract includes functions for minting, transferring, and querying NFTs.
  3. Compile and Deploy the Smart Contract: Compile your smart contract code into bytecode using a Solidity compiler. Then, deploy your smart contract to the Arbitrum network using tools like Remix, Truffle, or Hardhat. Ensure you have enough ETH to cover gas fees for deployment.
  4. Mint Your NFTs: Once your smart contract is deployed, use the minting function within your contract to create new NFTs. Provide the necessary metadata for each NFT, including its name, description, and any other relevant attributes. Minting NFTs will also require gas fees, so ensure your wallet has enough ETH.
  5. Test Your NFTs: After minting, test your NFTs to ensure they function as expected. Transfer them between wallets, query their metadata, and verify that their properties are accurately reflected on the Arbitrum network.
  6. Integrate with Marketplaces (Optional): If you plan to sell or trade your NFTs, consider integrating them with NFT marketplaces that support Arbitrum. This will allow users to discover, buy, and sell your NFTs easily.
  7. Promote Your NFTs: Once your NFTs are created and available for sale, promote them through social media, NFT communities, and other channels to reach potential buyers and collectors.

Remember to follow best practices for security, including thoroughly testing your smart contract code and being cautious with private keys. Additionally, keep an eye on gas fees and network congestion, as these factors can affect the cost and speed of creating and trading NFTs on Arbitrum.

What is the Best NFT Marketplace Arbitrum?

There isn’t a single “best” NFT marketplace on Arbitrum, as it often depends on individual preferences, the type of NFTs you’re looking to buy or sell, and the features you prioritize. However, here are a few popular NFT marketplaces on Arbitrum:

  1. OpenSea: OpenSea is one of the largest and most well-known NFT marketplaces, and it has expanded to support various blockchains, including Arbitrum. It offers a wide range of NFTs, including art, collectibles, virtual real estate, and more.
  2. Rarible: Rarible is another popular NFT marketplace that supports Arbitrum. It allows creators to mint, buy, and sell NFTs with customizable royalties and offers features like auctions and governance tokens.
  3. Foundation: Foundation is a curated platform for digital art NFTs, known for its high-quality and limited edition pieces. It has recently integrated with Arbitrum, providing artists and collectors with a platform for unique and exclusive creations.
  4. Zora: Zora is a decentralized marketplace focused on empowering creators with ownership and control over their work. It supports a variety of media types, including images, videos, and music, and has recently expanded to include Arbitrum support.
  5. Superrare: Superrare is a platform for digital art NFTs, emphasizing scarcity and authenticity. It has built a reputation for showcasing high-quality artworks from both established and emerging artists and has introduced support for Arbitrum.

Each of these marketplaces offers different features, user experiences, and communities. It’s a good idea to explore each one to see which aligns best with your interests and goals as a creator or collector. Additionally, as the NFT space evolves, new marketplaces may emerge, so it’s worth keeping an eye on developments in the ecosystem.

How Much Does it Cost to Mint an NFT on Arbitrum?

The cost to mint an NFT on Arbitrum can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the smart contract, the amount of data being stored on-chain (metadata), and network congestion. However, compared to the Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum generally offers lower gas fees for transactions.

As of my last update, the gas fees on Arbitrum were significantly lower than those on Ethereum, often ranging from a fraction of a cent to a few dollars per transaction. Minting an NFT typically requires a single transaction to execute the minting function in your smart contract and upload metadata to the blockchain.

Here are some approximate costs for minting an NFT on Arbitrum:

  • Basic NFT: For a simple NFT with minimal metadata, the gas cost could be as low as a few cents.
  • Complex NFT: If your NFT contract involves more complex logic or requires larger amounts of metadata, the gas cost may be higher, potentially ranging from a few cents to a few dollars.
  • Network Congestion: During times of high network congestion, gas fees may increase. However, Arbitrum’s design aims to mitigate congestion by processing transactions off-chain, which typically results in more predictable and lower fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet.

To get an accurate estimate of the cost to mint an NFT on Arbitrum at any given time, you can use tools like gas fee calculators or monitor gas prices on platforms that provide real-time information. Additionally, it’s essential to consider the cost of deploying the smart contract initially, as well as any subsequent transactions such as transferring or selling the NFT.

Create an NFT on Artibrum with the Certified Team

To create an NFT on Arbitrum with the Certified Team, follow these steps:

  1. Set Up Your Arbitrum Wallet: Ensure you have an Arbitrum-compatible wallet set up, such as MetaMask, and switch to the Arbitrum network. Make sure you have enough ETH in your wallet to cover gas fees.
  2. Prepare Your NFT Artwork: Gather the digital artwork or content you want to tokenize as an NFT. Ensure that your artwork meets any size or format requirements of the NFT marketplace or platform you plan to use.
  3. Choose a Marketplace: Decide which NFT marketplace on Arbitrum you want to use to mint and sell your NFT. Popular choices include OpenSea, Rarible, or Foundation.
  4. Connect to the Marketplace: Connect your Arbitrum wallet to the selected marketplace. This typically involves logging in with your wallet provider and approving the connection.
  5. Upload Your Artwork: Follow the marketplace’s instructions to upload your artwork. This usually involves providing a title, and description, and uploading the digital file of your artwork.
  6. Set Your NFT Properties: Customize the properties of your NFT, such as its edition size, royalties, and any additional attributes. These settings may vary depending on the marketplace you’re using.
  7. Review and Confirm: Review all the details of your NFT listing, including the gas fees for minting. Once you’re satisfied, confirm the minting process.
  8. Pay Gas Fees and Mint: Pay the gas fees required to mint your NFT on Arbitrum. This will initiate the transaction, creating your NFT on the blockchain.
  9. Wait for Confirmation: Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the Arbitrum network. This usually takes a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on network congestion.
  10. View Your NFT: Once confirmed, your NFT will be available for viewing on the marketplace, and you’ll receive a unique token ID representing your NFT on the Arbitrum blockchain.

Remember to promote your NFT on social media, NFT communities, or other channels to attract potential buyers and collectors. Additionally, consider engaging with the Certified Team or the chosen marketplace’s community to gain visibility for your NFT.


In conclusion, creating and minting NFTs on Arbitrum opens up exciting opportunities for artists, creators, and collectors alike. With its scalability, lower gas fees, and compatibility with Ethereum, Arbitrum provides a robust platform for tokenizing digital assets and participating in the growing NFT ecosystem.

By following the steps outlined above and leveraging platforms like OpenSea, Rarible, or Foundation, individuals can easily create and sell their unique digital creations as NFTs on Arbitrum. This process allows for greater control over ownership, provenance, and monetization of digital content.

As the NFT space continues to evolve, Arbitrum offers a reliable and efficient solution for minting and trading NFTs, enabling artists to reach new audiences, collectors to discover rare and valuable digital assets and developers to innovate with blockchain technology.

Whether you’re a seasoned artist, a first-time creator, or a passionate collector, Arbitrum provides a decentralized and secure environment for engaging with NFTs, unlocking new possibilities in the digital economy. With its growing ecosystem and community support, Arbitrum is poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of digital ownership and creative expression.

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Annabelle Darcie
NFT Daily Dose

Welcome to my corner of the digital world! I'm a passionate content writer and digital marketer with a knack for crafting engaging and informative stories.