Top 5 NFT Coins And Tokens For 2024

Albert Peter
NFT Daily Dose
Published in
11 min readMay 8, 2024

In 2024, the NFT market continues to evolve, offering exciting opportunities for investors and enthusiasts alike. As the space matures, certain NFT coins and tokens have emerged as standout performers, poised to make a significant impact in the coming year. Among these, projects like Axie Infinity (AXS) with its vibrant NFT ecosystem and utility, Chiliz (CHZ) with its high-speed transactions and growing NFT marketplace, and Binance Coin (BNB) with its strong backing and integration within the Binance ecosystem are leading the pack.

Additionally, newcomers such as Flow (FLOW) with its focus on mainstream adoption, and Tezos (XTZ) with its emphasis on sustainability and governance are gaining attention. These top 5 NFT coins and tokens for 2024 represent a diverse range of platforms and technologies, each with its unique strengths and potential for growth in the dynamic NFT space.

What are NFT Coins and Tokens?

NFT coins and tokens are a specialized subset of cryptocurrencies that represent ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique digital asset, typically a non-fungible token (NFT). Unlike fungible cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, where each unit is interchangeable with another, NFTs are indivisible and cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis.

NFT coins and tokens are designed to facilitate the creation, trading, and ownership of NFTs on various blockchain platforms. They often provide specific functionalities or utility within NFT ecosystems, such as governance rights, access to exclusive content, or rewards for participation. NFT coins and tokens have gained popularity due to the booming NFT market, which includes digital art, collectibles, gaming items, and more.

They offer a way for users to participate in and benefit from the growing NFT economy, either as creators, collectors, or investors. As the NFT space continues to expand, NFT coins and tokens are expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of digital ownership and decentralized marketplaces.

Why Invest in NFT Coins and Tokens?

Investing in NFT (Non-Fungible Token) coins and tokens can be appealing for several reasons:

Unique and Rare Assets: NFTs represent unique digital assets, making them appealing to collectors and enthusiasts. Owning an NFT means having a one-of-a-kind item in the digital world, which can hold significant value.

Diverse Investment Opportunities: NFTs cover a wide range of digital assets, including art, music, videos, virtual real estate, and more. This diversity allows investors to explore different markets and find niches that match their interests or investment strategies.

Potential for Appreciation: Like any collectible, the value of NFTs can appreciate over time, especially if the underlying asset gains popularity or historical significance.

Liquidity: NFTs are traded on various marketplaces, providing liquidity to investors who wish to buy or sell their tokens. This liquidity can vary based on the popularity of the NFT and the marketplace it’s listed on.

Access to Exclusive Content: Some NFTs provide access to exclusive content or experiences, such as VIP events, meet-and-greets, or early access to products. This exclusivity can increase the value of the NFT.

Support for Creators: By investing in NFTs, investors can support creators directly, as creators often receive a portion of the proceeds from NFT sales. This direct support can be appealing to fans and collectors.

However, it’s important to note that investing in NFTs carries risks, including volatility, market saturation, and the potential for scams. As with any investment, thorough research and caution are advised.

Factors to Consider Before Investing

Before investing in NFT coins and tokens, it’s important to consider several factors:

》》 Market Research: Conduct thorough research on the NFT market, including trends, popular projects, and potential risks. Understand the dynamics of the market before making investment decisions.

》》 Project Quality: Evaluate the quality and uniqueness of the NFT project. Consider factors such as the reputation of the creators, the concept behind the NFT, and the potential for long-term value.

》》 Scarcity and Demand: Look for NFTs that are scarce and in high demand. NFTs with limited supply and high demand are more likely to hold their value or appreciate over time.

》》 Liquidity: Consider the liquidity of the NFT market. Ensure that there is a sufficient number of buyers and sellers to facilitate trading when you want to buy or sell your NFTs.

》》 Platform and Security: Choose reputable NFT platforms that offer secure transactions and protect users’ assets. Look for platforms with a track record of successful NFT sales and a strong security infrastructure.

》》 Legal and Regulatory Considerations: Be aware of the legal and regulatory environment surrounding NFTs in your jurisdiction. Ensure that you comply with relevant laws and regulations before investing.

》》 Diversification: Diversify your NFT investments to spread risk across different projects and assets. This can help mitigate the impact of potential losses in any single investment.

》》 Financial Goals and Risk Tolerance: Align your NFT investments with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Consider how much you are willing to invest and the level of risk you are comfortable with.

》》 Community and Support: Consider the community surrounding the NFT project. A strong and engaged community can indicate potential for growth and support for the project.

》》 Long-Term Vision: Think about your long-term investment strategy. Determine whether you are looking for short-term gains or long-term appreciation, and invest accordingly.

By considering these factors, you can make more informed decisions when investing in NFT coins and tokens.

Top 5 NFT Coins And Tokens

1. Flow (FLOW)

Flow (FLOW) is neither entirely an NFT token nor a standard coin. It’s the native cryptocurrency of the Flow blockchain, a platform specifically designed for NFTs and other digital assets. Here’s a breakdown:

FLOW as a Utility Coin:

  • FLOW is the main currency used within the Flow blockchain ecosystem.
  • It’s used for things like:
  • Paying transaction fees for minting and transferring NFTs on Flow.
  • Participating in governance votes on the Flow network.
  • Paying for goods and services within Flow-based applications (dApps).

FLOW and NFTs:

  • While FLOW itself isn’t an NFT, it facilitates the creation and trading of NFTs on the Flow blockchain.
  • Think of FLOW as the gas that powers the engine for NFT transactions on Flow.

Key Points about FLOW:

  • Known for its fast transaction speeds and scalability, making it suitable for NFT applications.
  • Used by popular NFT projects like NBA Top Shot and CryptoKitties.

2. Chiliz (CHZ)

Chiliz (CHZ) is an NFT token, but it plays a vital role in the world of NFTs, particularly for sports and entertainment fans. Here’s how CHZ functions:

CHZ as a Utility Token:

  • CHZ is the native token of the Chiliz blockchain and the platform.
  • It acts as a digital currency used to purchase Fan Tokens, which are a type of NFT.

Fan Tokens and NFTs:

  • Fan Tokens are NFTs issued by sports teams, esports organizations, and entertainment entities on
  • Owning Fan Tokens grants fans various privileges and engagement opportunities, like voting rights, exclusive content access, merchandise discounts, or even participation in polls.
  • These Fan Tokens are NFTs because they reside on the blockchain, are unique (non-fungible), and represent ownership of specific digital assets (the fan engagement rights).

CHZ and Fan Tokens:

  • You need CHZ to purchase Fan Tokens on CHZ acts as the gateway currency for this NFT marketplace.
  • The value of Fan Tokens can fluctuate based on factors like team performance, fan demand, and the utility offered by the token.

3. Axie infinity (AXS)

Axie Infinity (AXS) occupies a unique space where it intertwines with NFTs but isn’t exactly an NFT itself. Here’s a breakdown:

AXS: The Governance Token of Axie Infinity

  • AXS is the primary token used within the Axie Infinity game.
  • It’s not an NFT, but it plays a crucial role in the game’s NFT ecosystem.

The NFT Aspect of Axie Infinity:

  • Axie Infinity revolves around collecting, breeding, and battling adorable creatures called Axies.
  • Each Axie is a unique NFT on the Ronin sidechain (connected to Ethereum).
  • These NFTs hold value due to their distinct characteristics, strengths, and breeding potential.

How AXS interacts with NFTs:

  • AXS is not a representation of ownership for any individual Axie NFT.
  • However, owning AXS grants players various benefits related to the Axie NFT ecosystem:
  • Governance: AXS holders can vote on proposals that influence the future development of the Axie Infinity game, impacting the value of Axie NFTs.
  • Earning & Breeding: Players can earn AXS tokens by playing the game and use them to breed new Axie NFTs (which can then be sold on the marketplace).
  • Future Utility: There are plans to make AXS the native currency of the Axie marketplace, potentially allowing NFT purchases with AXS.

In a nutshell:

  • AXS is the governance token that fuels the Axie Infinity game, which revolves around NFT-based Axies.
  • Owning AXS doesn’t grant ownership of specific Axies, but it grants influence and earning opportunities within the NFT ecosystem.

4. Tezos (XTZ)

Tezos (XTZ) differs from the previous examples in that it’s both a coin and a blockchain platform that can be used for NFTs. Here’s a breakdown:

Tezos (XTZ) as a Coin:

  • XTZ is the native cryptocurrency of the Tezos blockchain.
  • It functions like other coins:
  • Used to pay transaction fees on the Tezos network.
  • Staked to participate in securing the network and earn rewards.
  • Potentially used for other purposes within Tezos-based applications (dApps).

Tezos and NFTs:

  • Tezos is a blockchain platform specifically designed to be secure, energy-efficient, and upgradable. These features make it attractive for developers creating NFT projects.
  • Developers can leverage Tezos to build applications that deal with NFTs, such as marketplaces, games, or digital art platforms.
  • On the Tezos blockchain, NFTs are separate tokens created using smart contracts. These tokens represent ownership of unique digital assets.

5. Ordi (ORDI)

Ordi (ORDI) is an interesting case because it straddles the line between a standard coin and an NFT, but doesn’t perfectly fit into either category. Here’s a breakdown:

ORDI: A Bitcoin-based Token with NFT characteristics

  • ORDI is the first BRC-20 token created using the Ordinals protocol on the Bitcoin blockchain.
  • BRC-20 is a standard typically used for creating tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, but Ordinals enables a similar concept on Bitcoin.

ORDI’s NFT-like qualities:

  • The Ordinals protocol allows data like images, text, or even video to be inscribed directly onto individual Satoshis (the smallest unit of Bitcoin).
  • ORDI, as a token, can be linked to or carry this inscribed data, potentially giving it unique characteristics similar to an NFT.

ORDI as a Coin:

  • ORDI has a fixed supply of 21 million tokens, mirroring the total supply of Bitcoin.
  • It can be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges similar to other coins.

How to Buy NFT Coins and Tokens

To buy NFT (Non-Fungible Token) coins and tokens, follow these general steps:

  1. Choose a Wallet: Select a digital wallet that supports the storage and management of NFTs. Ensure the wallet is compatible with the blockchain network where the NFTs are issued (e.g., Ethereum for most NFTs).
  2. Acquire Cryptocurrency: Purchase cryptocurrency (e.g., Ethereum) on a cryptocurrency exchange. This will be used to buy NFTs. Ensure the cryptocurrency is in your wallet.
  3. Connect to an NFT Marketplace: Use a reputable NFT marketplace (e.g., OpenSea, Rarible, or Foundation) to browse and buy NFTs. Connect your wallet to the marketplace to access your funds.
  4. Browse and Select NFTs: Explore the marketplace to find NFTs you’re interested in. Pay attention to details such as the price, rarity, and creator.
  5. Place a Bid or Buy Directly: Depending on the marketplace, you can either place a bid on an NFT or buy it directly. Follow the prompts on the marketplace to complete the transaction.
  6. Confirm and Pay: Confirm the transaction details, including the price and gas fee (transaction fee), and authorize the payment from your wallet. Transactions on the blockchain are irreversible, so double-check before confirming.
  7. Receive and Manage Your NFTs: Once the transaction is confirmed, you’ll receive the NFT in your wallet. You can view and manage your NFTs through your wallet or the marketplace.
  8. Optional: Sell or Trade Your NFTs: If you wish to sell or trade your NFTs, you can list them on the marketplace. Follow the marketplace’s instructions for listing and selling NFTs.

Remember to use reputable marketplaces and exercise caution when buying NFTs, as the market can be volatile and subject to scams.

Risks and Challenges of Investing in NFT Coins and Tokens

Investing in NFT coins and tokens carries several risks and challenges that potential investors should consider. One significant risk is the volatility of the cryptocurrency market, which can lead to sudden and substantial fluctuations in the value of NFT coins and tokens.

Additionally, the NFT market itself is relatively new and can be subject to hype and speculation, leading to inflated prices and potential bubbles. There is also the risk of regulatory uncertainty, as governments around the world are still grappling with how to regulate NFTs and their associated tokens.

Another challenge is the potential for security breaches and fraud, as the digital nature of NFTs makes them vulnerable to hacking and other cyber attacks. Finally, there is the risk of technological obsolescence, as new blockchain technologies and standards could emerge that render current NFT coins and tokens obsolete. Overall, investing in NFT coins and tokens can be lucrative, but it is important for investors to carefully assess and manage these risks.

Future Of NFTs In The Cryptocurrency Market

The future of NFTs in the cryptocurrency market looks promising, with several key trends shaping their trajectory. One major area of growth is in the use of NFTs for digital identity verification, ownership, and authentication. This could revolutionize industries such as art, real estate, and gaming by providing secure and immutable records of ownership.

Additionally, NFTs are likely to become more integrated into the broader crypto ecosystem, with interoperability between different NFT platforms and blockchains enabling greater liquidity and utility for NFT holders. Another trend is the rise of fractionalized NFT ownership, allowing multiple investors to own a share of a high-value NFT, opening up new investment opportunities.

Furthermore, advancements in technology, such as the development of Layer 2 solutions and improved scalability, are expected to make NFTs more accessible and cost-effective, further driving their adoption. Overall, the future of NFTs in the cryptocurrency market is bright, with continued innovation and adoption expected to fuel their growth and diversification.


In conclusion, the top 5 NFT coins and tokens for 2024 offer a glimpse into the future of the NFT market, highlighting key trends and innovations that are shaping the industry. Ethereum (ETH) continues to lead the way with its established ecosystem and wide adoption, while Solana (SOL) showcases the potential for high-speed transactions and scalability. Binance Coin (BNB) stands out for its integration within the Binance ecosystem, providing a strong foundation for NFT growth.

Flow (FLOW) and Tezos (XTZ) represent newer entrants with promising features, such as mainstream adoption and sustainability, respectively. As the NFT market matures, these projects are likely to play a pivotal role in driving innovation and expanding the use cases for NFTs across various industries. Investors and enthusiasts should keep a close eye on these top 5 NFT coins and tokens, as they have the potential to shape the NFT landscape in 2024 and beyond.

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Albert Peter
NFT Daily Dose

I'm Albert Peter a 6+ years Experience in blockchain. NFTs, crypto, and the future of tech. Let's talk.