What are the 4 Cryptocurrency Predictions for 2024?

Tom Oliver
NFT Daily Dose
Published in
8 min readApr 15, 2024
Cryptocurrency Development

In the landscape of cryptocurrency, 2023 unfolded as a year of unprecedented growth and innovation. Bitcoin and Ethereum maintained their dominance, while blockchain, DeFi, and NFTs thrived. As we delve into predictions for 2024, anticipate shifts driven by catalysts like Bitcoin ETF approval and its halving event. Explore the challenges facing “dog” coins and the intricate ties between the crypto market and Wall Street. Reflect on past failures, learning from Terra’s pitfalls.

Overview of the Cryptocurrency Market in 2023

In 2023, the cryptocurrency market witnessed a remarkable journey, characterized by increased adoption, technological innovations, and evolving regulatory landscapes. Notable advancements in blockchain technology, decentralized finance, and non-fungible tokens contributed to the market’s vibrancy. The exploration encompasses key milestones, market capitalization trends, and the expanding role of cryptocurrencies in various sectors.

Cryptocurrency development involves creating digital assets, blockchain technology, and decentralized applications. It encompasses various processes like smart contract development, token creation, and blockchain architecture design. Specialized expertise is essential for successful cryptocurrency development.

Dominance of Bitcoin and Ethereum in Market Cap

Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) continued to assert their dominance in terms of market capitalization, playing pivotal roles in shaping the overall market trends. This section delves into the market dynamics that contributed to the sustained dominance of Bitcoin and Ethereum, highlighting their respective performances, developments, and the impact on the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Transition to Predictions for 2024

Building upon the insights gained from the retrospective analysis of 2023, the narrative seamlessly transitions to predictions for the upcoming year. Anticipations, forecasts, and strategic considerations come into focus as the cryptocurrency market braces for new challenges and opportunities. The following sections delve into specific predictions, offering an informed perspective on the potential trajectories that the market may take in 2024.

The Top 4 Cryptocurrency Predictions


✴︎ Prediction 1: “Buy the rumor, sell the news” for Bitcoin

▪︎ Factors Contributing to Bitcoin’s 2023 Surge

Bitcoin experienced a remarkable surge in 2023, with its value soaring by over 160%. This surge can be attributed to a confluence of factors that fueled positive sentiment throughout key U.S. financial markets. Investor optimism was further buoyed by the widespread belief that a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) would gain approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in January, offering a mainstream channel for crypto exposure. Additionally, the anticipation of Bitcoin’s upcoming “halving” event, slated for April 2024, played a pivotal role. Historically, Bitcoin tends to rally ahead of halving events as they reduce the block reward for miners, impacting the daily token supply.

▪︎ Expected Catalysts in 2024: Bitcoin ETF Approval and Halving Event

As 2024 unfolds, two significant catalysts are poised to shape Bitcoin’s trajectory. The awaited approval of a Bitcoin ETF has been a longstanding goal for the crypto community, as it would open avenues for broader institutional investment. Simultaneously, the upcoming halving event in April 2024 is anticipated to further reduce the daily issuance of new bitcoins, potentially impacting supply dynamics.

▪︎ Analysis of “Buy the Rumor, Sell the News” Phenomenon

The “buy the rumor, sell the news” phenomenon is a market trend wherein asset prices rally in anticipation of a favorable event, only to experience a correction or decline after the event’s occurrence. In the context of Bitcoin, this pattern suggests that the significant price increase leading up to the ETF approval and halving event may be followed by profit-taking as the news unfolds. Traders and investors may seize the opportunity to capitalize on the pre-event hype, resulting in a potential correction.

▪︎ Bitcoin’s Relevance and Challenges in 2024

Despite its historical significance, Bitcoin faces challenges in maintaining relevance in 2024. The experimental adoption of Bitcoin as a viable currency in El Salvador has not yielded the expected results, raising questions about its broader applicability. As Bitcoin continues to grapple with scalability issues and competition from more technologically advanced projects, its role in the evolving cryptocurrency landscape warrants careful scrutiny.

✴︎ Prediction 2: Underperformance of “Dog” Coins

▪︎ Evaluation of Dogecoin and Shiba Inu’s 2023 Performance

In 2023, Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) experienced gains of 35% and 36%, respectively. While these returns outpaced the benchmark S&P 500, they fell significantly short of Bitcoin’s stellar performance. The evaluation of their performance sets the stage for understanding the challenges facing these popular “dog” coins.

▪︎ Lack of Differentiation and Real-World Utility

The core challenge facing Dogecoin and Shiba Inu lies in their limited differentiation and lack of tangible real-world utility. Unlike projects that offer innovative solutions or address specific industry needs, these coins primarily function as payment tokens without clear distinguishing features. This lack of differentiation poses a hurdle for sustained growth and adoption.

▪︎ Usage Data and Business Acceptance

Exploring usage data reveals that only a fraction of businesses globally accept DOGE and SHIB as payment methods. Cryptocurrency adoption relies on practical utility, and the limited acceptance by businesses underscores the challenges these “dog” coins face. As merchants prefer more established and stable currencies, the volatility associated with meme coins hinders widespread acceptance.

▪︎ Historical Challenges of Payment Coins

Payment coins, especially those witnessing significant value surges, historically face challenges in maintaining their elevated valuations. The exponential growth often triggers subsequent corrections, leading to substantial retracements. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, having experienced a 90% retracement in the past, confront the risk of similar corrections in the absence of sustained real-world utility and demand.

These analyses shed light on the intricate dynamics shaping the future trajectories of Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Shiba Inu, providing valuable insights for investors navigating the ever-evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

✴︎ Prediction 3: Cryptocurrency Market’s Inability to Decouple from Wall Street

▪︎ Previous Expectations of Crypto as a Wall Street-Independent Asset

The initial allure of cryptocurrencies lay in their potential to operate independently of traditional financial markets, offering a decentralized and alternative investment avenue. However, the evolving dynamics reveal a persistent connection between the cryptocurrency market and Wall Street. Early enthusiasts envisioned digital currencies as a hedge against economic downturns and market volatility, fostering expectations of a truly uncorrelated asset class.

▪︎ Factors Influencing Crypto Market Tied to Wall Street

Contrary to the optimistic projections of independence, various factors continue to tie the cryptocurrency market closely to Wall Street performance. Access to capital, a critical determinant for asset class success, is significantly influenced by broader economic conditions. In 2024, the tightening lending standards of banks and the contraction of the U.S. money supply pose challenges for cryptocurrencies to disentangle from the fate of traditional markets.

▪︎ Impact of Economic Indicators on Crypto Performance

Historical trends indicate that economic indicators, such as interest rates and fiscal stimulus measures, play a pivotal role in shaping the performance of both traditional and digital asset markets. The surge in various asset classes in 2021 was closely linked to low-interest rates and generous fiscal stimulus. As these conditions evolve, the cryptocurrency market’s ability to chart an independent course faces hurdles, aligning its fate with broader economic indicators.

▪︎ Likelihood of Decoupling in 2024

Despite aspirations for autonomy, achieving complete decoupling between the cryptocurrency market and Wall Street appears challenging in 2024. The intricate interplay of economic forces, investor sentiment, and regulatory developments suggests that cryptocurrency performance will remain intertwined with the broader financial landscape. As the industry matures, navigating these dependencies becomes crucial for investors seeking to understand and anticipate market movements.

✴︎ Prediction 4: Anticipation of Another Major Failure in the Crypto Space

▪︎ Analysis of Terra Classic and TerraClassicUSD Failure in 2022

The crypto space witnessed a significant setback in 2022 with the failure of Terra Classic (LUNC) and TerraClassicUSD (USTC). These stablecoins, which departed from the traditional fiat-backed model by relying on an algorithm, experienced a rapid unraveling. The destabilization of TerraClassicUSD’s peg to the U.S. dollar triggered a cascading effect, revealing the vulnerabilities associated with algorithm-based stablecoins.

▪︎ Understanding the Stablecoin Reliance on Algorithm

Unlike conventional stablecoins tethered to fiat currencies, Terra Classic and TerraClassicUSD relied on algorithms to maintain their pegs. This departure introduced a unique set of risks, as evidenced by the arbitrage opportunity exploited by sellers, ultimately leading to a chain reaction of instability in both Terra and its stablecoin. The incident underscored the challenges and complexities inherent in algorithmic stablecoin models.

▪︎ Potential Triggers and Risks for Major Failures in 2024

As the crypto space evolves, the anticipation of another major failure in 2024 prompts a closer examination of potential triggers and risks. Factors such as rapid market changes, regulatory developments, and vulnerabilities in novel crypto models could contribute to unforeseen failures. Identifying and understanding these risks becomes imperative for market participants, regulators, and developers alike.

▪︎ Lessons Learned from Past Failures

The failures of Terra Classic and TerraClassicUSD offer valuable lessons for the cryptocurrency community. They highlight the importance of rigorous testing, regulatory compliance, and transparency in the development and deployment of new crypto projects. Learning from past failures is integral to fostering a resilient and adaptive crypto ecosystem, ensuring that the industry evolves with enhanced stability and security measures.

Build Your Own Cryptocurrency with Development Agency

Building your own cryptocurrency is an exciting endeavor that requires specialized expertise and resources. Collaborating with a cryptocurrency development agency can streamline the process and ensure the successful execution of your project. These agencies offer comprehensive services, including blockchain technology development, smart contract creation, tokenization, and decentralized application (dApp) development. With their deep understanding of the cryptocurrency landscape and technical proficiency, development agencies can guide you through the entire lifecycle of your cryptocurrency project.

By partnering with a cryptocurrency development agency, you gain access to a team of experienced professionals who specialize in blockchain development. They can help you conceptualize your cryptocurrency idea, design its architecture, and implement its features according to your specifications. Moreover, development agencies provide strategic guidance, ensuring that your cryptocurrency aligns with market trends and regulatory requirements. With their support, you can navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency development and bring your vision to life efficiently and effectively.

Collaborating with a cryptocurrency development agency not only accelerates the development process but also mitigates risks associated with launching a new cryptocurrency. From technical challenges to regulatory compliance, development agencies have the expertise to address various hurdles and ensure the success of your project. Whether you’re creating a utility token, launching a new blockchain platform, or developing a decentralized finance application, partnering with a reputable development agency can set you on the path to building a successful cryptocurrency venture.


In conclusion, as we anticipate the shifts and challenges of the cryptocurrency landscape in 2024, it’s essential to reflect on the lessons learned from the dynamic developments of 2023. From the dominance of Bitcoin and Ethereum to the rise of DeFi and NFTs, the crypto market continues to evolve rapidly. However, with this evolution comes the need for careful consideration of potential pitfalls, such as the underperformance of “dog” coins and the intricate ties between the crypto market and Wall Street. By leveraging insights from past failures and embracing collaboration with cryptocurrency development agencies, stakeholders can navigate these challenges and seize opportunities for innovation and growth in the year ahead.

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Tom Oliver
NFT Daily Dose

An adept advocate of blockchain technology and NFTs, passionate about unraveling the juncture where art and decentralization intersect.