Community Call - Recap

Lalo Trage
5 min readJul 20, 2021


On July 16, 2021, our first Community Call on Discord took place, which will have a monthly frequency and where we intend to obtain massive community participation around the Nftfy protocol.

A large part of our team was present at the call, among which we highlight: Leonardo Carvalho (CEO), Vinícius Vasconcelos (COO), and Lalo Trage (Business Developer).

You can listen to the recording of the event, or read the summary of the main points discussed below.


Leonardo Carvalho — CEO

Hey everyone!

Thank you all for being here today.

It is a pleasure for us to stay in contact with you in this manner. This is our first community call and we really want to be closer to the community and establish a connection with you.

This is a movement to increase engagement and encourage your participation in the community.

In this call, we will talk about some of the milestones that we have achieved, the main features we have released so far, how we are conducting and studying our partnerships, and what we are planning to launch as the next steps.

Vinícius, Lalo, and I are here today to talk about some of these important topics.

Token launch

As the first topic, we start talking about the token launch on May 10th. We had everything prepared for that day, months of planning, we did a strong marketing campaign… but we faced a huge problem during those 36 hours of the Token Generation Event. You might remember well, but on that day Ethereum hit its ATH and we saw gas fees at 500, 600 gwei. It was insane! Facing that, we took the decision to advance our cross-chain solution and in less than 24 hours we had built a bridge to migrate the tokens to BSC and we created a liquidity pool on PancakeSwap.

After a few days, we moved back to Ethereum and on June 8th we launched our platform.

Since then, we have been running on the ethereum mainnet successfully. There are some fractionalized NFTs in our marketplace. Some of them already have liquidity, so anyone can buy Fractions of it.

The first NFT Sale has happened

Victor Montaghini — The artist

Last week, a famous Brazilian artist fractionalized and sold his first NFT in Nftfy. He put it on sale for 11 ETH, and sold 20% of its fractions at a valuation of 5 ETH, for 4 different people in a private way. So each one of them bought 5% of fractions for 0.25 ETH.

And the more impressive is that in less than 20 hours after he fractionalized it, someone bought the entire NFT for the 11 ETH set as the exit price. It was awesome! We got our first NFT sale in the platform and our first use case because all the fractions holders were able to claim a proportional amount of the value paid by the buyer.

Filecoin Launchpad Accelerator Program

Like you all might know, we have been selected to participate in the Filecoin Accelerator Program, powered by Tachyon and ConsenSys.

It has been 3 weeks since we started and it’s been amazing. We have made great connections there, talked to many important people in the NFT and DeFi scenario and we already have lots of meetings with potential partners and supporters to introduce Nftfy. We are very excited and confident about what this program will bring to us.

The Filecoin program will last until September when it will have Demo Day and we will introduce the project to big investors and partners.

This is a great opportunity for us to connect with the best web3 projects and partners in the world. And having the support of two of the most important names in the crypto space, Filecoin and Consensys, we hope that Nftfy achieves great attention in this market.


We have been studying some interesting partnerships with some other protocols. Some of them are:

  • Charged Particles — They are studying a way to fractionalize an NFT full of other crypto assets like an index fund;
  • OVR — Really exciting partnership that will allow users to have fractions of overlands. We are preparing new features in Nftfy, especially for this huge partnership;
  • Kylin — We have been discussing the possibility of selling their Data NFTs (DDMOs) in our marketplace, allowing the shared ownership;
  • ChainGuardians — We might have some of their superheroes fractionalized in our marketplace;
  • Kryptomon — Gaming protocol that wants to use Nftfy to fractionalize and allow the shared ownership of the game items and resources.
  • Maddies — We are very ahead of this partnership, Maddies allows the monetization of NFTs through merchandise products, where the NFT owner receives a percentage of all the products sold using his art. By integrating with Nftfy they will be able to share the ownership and the revenue of the nft with other users.

New Features

Regarding our new features, there is some exciting news for this month.

Transparency Portal

We have released our transparency portal, where you can check all the details of our token distribution.

Nftfy Minter

We will launch our own NFT minter on the 21st of July. Now you can make the whole process on our platform: mint, fractionalize, and sell!

Nftfy Boxes

There will be the feature of creating a Box of NFTs, in which you can gather all the NFTs of your choice inside a box, just like a collection. And more, you will be able to fractionalize it and sell fractions of your collection.

Decentralized Front-End

Now our front-end is totally decentralized in the IFPS, which is another awesome achievement for DeFi protocols. It brings more comfort and safety for DeFi users and puts us on top of web3 protocols.

The Graph Integration

The other thing is that we are finishing the integration with The Graph, so all the images on our website will load in a faster way.

Multi-wallet Integration

We are very close to delivering the multi-wallet integration, which will make the protocol accessible for more people.

Community Forum

Finally, we are pleased to announce that we have just released our Community Forum, where everyone will be able to propose new discussion topics, ideas, proposals, and improvements. Feel free to use it however you want. This is a way to give the opportunity to all the community members to share their thoughts and ideas.

What to expect next?

As you can see, the team has been working hard to bring creative and innovative solutions to the NFT market.

We have been looking for several partnerships to spread the use of our technology and to promote the concept of shared ownership of NFTs.

There is no doubt that it is a long way to go, we have several challenges ahead, but this is what motivates us to continue racking our brains to bring the best solutions for the market.

Stay tuned for the next Community Call on August 21. We are looking forward to seeing you there!


