The First Metaverse Movie

Vinícius Vasconcelos
Published in
6 min readOct 23, 2021

A Conversation with Mess Santos about Art, Pioneering and Visions of the Metaverse.

Hello Nftfy Community!

By now you may have come across the word “Metaverse”, which can represent many things, from virtual reality to the internet of value. I like to define Metaverse as “a world created for digital experiences to be equal to or better than the physical world.” That includes a lot, actually: everything that exists and a little more. To recreate our digital world, a number of things are needed including virtual reality and ownership of digital assets (internet of value). We get this last feature in the famous NFTs. After the introduction of Metaverse, I want to say that I had the privilege of interviewing one of the greatest Brazilian filmmakers and an artist who has always been a pioneer. This article is the result of a conversation with Mess Santos.

Who is Mess Santos?

Mess is an artist passionate about what he does: Director of the most relevant music at a national level, feature films, shorts and documentaries. He told me that he has enjoyed music and movies since he was young and that MTV and movies like Rocky, Back to the Future had a huge impact on his trajectory. He created Movie3: a production company that produces films in several countries. During the pandemic, he filmed a feature film called Moscow (which is yet to be released) in just 12 days and with completely private investment, something really out of the curve on the Brazilian art industry.

Movie Collection and his vision of the Metaverse

Visions of how the future will be, what will be normal 10, 20 or 30 years from now? The Metaverse promises to change our lives much more than the internet has. This is the aim of his project. In addition to liking Blockchain technology, it is the aesthetics and the way we as human beings will face this new way of relating that most catch his attention. Feelings and moments that anyone can connect to. After all, even though the world is changing so much: we are still humans, with the same natural desires and feelings. Of course, these views seek to show the most extreme perspectives on how far things can go.

Also, we see a lot of visual arts or even music as NFT…but an entire movie? Cinema is one of the most relevant and impactful arts, it changes societies, changes dreams and can be the trigger for new thoughts. Why was cinema not yet in this new world? Well, now it is. Not only using the technology but all the movies in the Movie Collection are in the aesthetic that the culture within the Metaverse identifies. It’s the first Movie of the Metaverse to the Metaverse.

Community in the Metaverse

Community in the Metaverse has a central role. It’s the audience and at the same time a participant in the creation process, the community is the best curator. Movie Collection wants to go in that direction, to be community-centered and go where the community wants to explore. After all, if Movie Collection’s goal is to showcase visions of the future in the Metaverse, then lots of people from various backgrounds are welcome to enrich this glimpse. This new economy is perfect for communities and is a unique opportunity to participate in the creation and consumption of art directly with your favorite artist. “Can you imagine sitting in a movie theater in the Metaverse next to the director who made the film? Or the actor who played the protagonist?” All of this is possible.

Benefits for Brazilian Artists

“Freedom and Self-Reliance.” Art is difficult. A constant perseverance exercise. Even more in Brazil, Economically speaking. However, this new world that opens up makes more Brazilian artists have their voices heard, with this world gaining traction there is a validation and an increase in quality, unprecedented artistic freedom. Audiences are more demanding and look for the original. This raises the level of art made.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pioneering

“No limits to explore… this is a new land.” That’s the main benefit of being a Metaverse pioneer. Freedom to experiment and create the new. But of course, there are difficulties, and the main one is: “how to bring people into this world? And while that might scare an artist, it’s cool to be scared”, that’s where the artist manifests his best art.

Endgame and Movie Collection Roadmap

This month, we had the release of “Endgame’’, the first short film of the project and which already prepares the basis for this new cinematographic universe created by Mess. Then will come “ASTRO’’ in November and “The Collector” in December. ASTRO tells a story of love and friendship between humans and robots. The Collector tells a story about how far we’re willing to go for money, connecting a lot with NFTs. These 3 stories set the stage for the Feature Film, still with an undisclosed title, which will be the climax of the project. All this is in a single and interconnected universe. And at the same time, these three short films offer the possibility of participating in the financing of the feature film.

Jules Verne and Marty McFly

You probably didn’t understand the title… what do Jules Verne and Marty McFly have in common? At the end of the conversation I had with Mess, we talked about how culture, stories, fiction and especially cinema impact our society. We discussed a paradox: does culture predict what will happen in the future or does the future only happens because of the impact that art and culture had on our dreams for the future, projecting our desires. From going to the moon as Jules Verne had written, to a Marty McFly sneaker that ties itself (Sorry, we don’t have the flying skateboard yet), But you probably got the point. This movie could change our vision of what the future CAN be like, and perhaps make the future look exactly like that.

After all, we will build it.

Endgame is the first movie in this cinematographic universe, do you want to be part of this journey? Join Discord and participate in the Pool to have a part of the Short’s NFT.

We invite you to access the Movie Collection website, join its Discord channel and follow Mess Santos on Instagram.

The short film “Endgame” is listed on Nftfy and you can purchase a participation of this amazing work there accessing the following link:

Fasten your seat belts, visor down, The Journey begins now!

