The impact of NFTs

How can NFTFY tools help transform realities?

Daniela Zschaber
3 min readOct 11, 2022


During August and September, the NFTFY Community Time held the NFTFY Tour. The campaign was an NFT rewards/engagement program so people can get to know and explore our platform and community better. In August we published 4 tasks on our website and at the end of each week, participants were rewarded with an exclusive NFT.

People who participated in at least 3 of the 4 missions have won what we call the Super NFT!

NFTFY Tour logo

The campaign aimed to strengthen our community and benefit the participants. During weeks 1 and 2, the participants had to complete small tasks, such as informing the name, email, and wallet address. And during the third week, participants had to participate in a CrowdPad.

And by completing 3 out of 4 tasks, members have earned the Super NFT, which is basically the entry pass to a lot of awesome stuff.

They had the possibility of receiving fractions of a FEWOCiOUS.

This artwork is originally from Ethereum Mainnet and was bridged to Polygon using a bridge, Fractionalized using NFTFY, and AirDropped to the Super NFT Holders!

The airdrop of the NFT Portrait of the Towê Indigenous of the Fulni-ô Ethnicity by the artist Zoccoli also happened!

The artist Zòccoli is a graphic designer by training, living for 20 years with different Brazilian indigenous ethnicities and working with different artistic languages. Towê is a Sensei Black Belt in Karate and leader of a group where he travels throughout Brazil, promoting his culture through dances, lectures, and selling Cultural Artifacts of his Fulni-ô ethnicity.

The impact

We exceeded expectations: Play For Change, a web3 project that works to include people financially through educational empowerment, created a CrowdPad during the NFTFY Tour. This CrowdPad was completed in a few days, and it was through this initiative that Play For Change was able to bring 60 people to the Blockchain Rio event, including 20 children from 10 different communities in Rio de Janeiro.

Another successful (and impactful) CrowdPad was created by the collection PFP Supply Co. to help the NGO Amor para Recomeçar, whose main objective is to shelter and save stray dogs.

The action was so successful that the CrowdPad was finished on the same day, even with the target price being quite bold (approximately 800 MATIC).

The NFTFY Tour was a success: we managed to strengthen our community, engage people and most importantly: positively impact the world! What will be the next news for the Super NFT holders?

You can keep an eye on NFTFY Community to follow good projects. From projects that use our tools to projects where we talk on Twitter Spaces, Community Calls, or add to actions like the NFTFY Tour.

You can be magical on web3 without needing magic!

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Daniela Zschaber

AKA Danimim | Web3, Crypto, NFT and Blockchain Content Creator | Sapere aude 🚀 — Girls just wanna have ( ) fun (x) NFTs