NFThub Q2/Q3 Recap

Published in
4 min readSep 15, 2021

If you’ve been following the NFThub project, you’ll likely know that things have been moving a little slowly as of late; well, moreso visible progress has been a bit slow. Behind the scenes, a lot has been happening, and will continue to at as steady a pace as we’re capable of. Most recent updates have been posted directly to our site’s blog, but I realize Medium is many peoples’ go to destination for essentially every project they follow, so posts here will be more frequent going forward.

To provide a it of context, NFThub was started last year to consolidate the already rapidly expanding NFT ecosystem. We didn’t host a FOMO-driven token sale, or six months of email capture on a landing page. We built quietly, most often with only one person at the helm, and opened our beta to the public in March without any big hoorah. We have no VC backing, no angel investors, and no influencers shilling our project. What we have is passion, dedication, and a founder who insists that they owe the NFT community a life-debt. With that said, let’s dive into some recent updates. We know you’ve probably got a drop to FOMO into, or a floor price to obsess over, so we’ll do a quick rundown.

  • Possibly the most important update for the path forward: We hired a brand manager, she’s relatively new to the NFT world, but she’s one of the most enthusiastic and sincere people I’ve met in the space to date. She believes in the project and is incredibly committed to seeing it succeed.
  • We launched our official merchandise line, Non-Fungible Fashion, in collaboration with Uniqly; a company bridging NFTs and physical items in a very interesting and unique way.
  • As community partners for the NFT Vision Hackathon, we were also able to submit a project; we’ll find out the results on the 21st of this month, but Polygoonz made it to the finals! [DeFi NFTs with plans for a play-to-earn RTS] drop date TBA.
  • Our mascot (Hubberz the dragon) entered the world of #PlayToEarn for the first time as a limited edition Drakons NFT. Check it out!
  • We’re co-hosting Polycon 2021, the first NFT/DeFi virtual conference focused entirely on the Polygon ecosytem.
  • A couple of projects, either existing or emerging, have joined up with us under the NFThub banner, and it seems more will soon follow. The current projects that are becoming branches of, or ‘sister-projects’ to NFThub are Artsy DeFi, and Club 90nine.
  • We’re also in discussion with a number of other projects for regarding potential collaborations or partnerships, with a few of the most exciting examples at present being Huddln, Cometh, and Netvrk. Nothing is set in stone with these potential allies, but we’re confident that each will be beneficial, and benefit from, a working relationship with NFThub.
  • We’ll soon be starting to establish our presence across the Metaverse; starting with art galleries to be built in Cryptovoxels, Substrata (maybe), Decentraland, and Somnium Space. The Decentraland estate is available with thanks to Club 90nine, and may become our virtual HQ; we also have several lands in Sandbox, but are uncertain about the gallery viability there.
  • Another potential collaboration/partnership that’s still in discussion, but one that may be the most exciting development is our recent talks with Deviant Art. Yes, the Deviant Art you’re thinking of. Home to 65 million active artists, who we’ll potentially be educating and onboarding to the NFT ecosystem. Considering the original goal of NFThub, way back before the world dove head-first into everything nonfungible, was to support artists, we see this potential partnership as an absolute win.

There’s likely a few things we’re not thinking of at the moment, or that will be posted in their own full-length articles, but those are at least most of the impactful updates from the past few months. If you’re an NFT enthusiast, you should be registered already. If you’re a project representative, add your info to the directory. If you’re hosting any community focused events within the Metaverse, or even IRL, submit it to the calendar, and if you’re still not sure WTF an NFT is, well, we provide oppurtunities to earn crypto just for learning.

Stay nonfungible, and please ape responsibly!

Originally published at on September 15, 2021.



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Discovered NFTs at the end of 2019; which caused my entry to crypto. Day one, I went all in. Day two started 72 straight research hours. I’ve never looked back.