NFThub ⚙ The Idea

Published in
3 min readOct 30, 2020


Aggregating the Nonfungible Metavese.

The idea for NFThub was born out of perceived necessity. Having spent the majority of 2020 immersed in the amazing world of NFT’s, it has become increasingly apparent that there is really no efficient way to keep track of more than a few of the platforms, collections, games and communities that exist in the labytinth of rabbit-holes that exist in what is surprisingly still a very small niche. Nearly every day I come across an awesome project, resource, or person that I wouldn’t have discovered were I not already exploring the fringes of the web 3.0.

As the space continues to progress at a pace unheard of in the mainstream world, and as we continue to make progress toward a decentralized and tokenized future, there is an increasing necessity to accept that, in certain cases, centralization of a sort can be very beneficial.

With that in mind, and since I have a fair bit of experience with web design, SEO, and digital marketing; along with being a fairly enthusiastic collector and a cryptoartist, I’ve taken it upon myself to lend my skills and knowledge to…




Discovered NFTs at the end of 2019; which caused my entry to crypto. Day one, I went all in. Day two started 72 straight research hours. I’ve never looked back.