Why a white-label NFT marketplace is the way to go for gaming projects

NFTify Platform
NFTify News
Published in
5 min readDec 7, 2021
Create a white-label NFT marketplace with NFTify
A white-label NFT marketplace

With the success of titles like CryptoKitties, Axie Infinity and Blanko’s Block Party, an increasing number of NFT games going into development. Additionally, Axie Infinity’s recent successful round of funding and their subsequent $3bn valuation has illustrated just how valuable and lucrative the NFT gaming space has become in such a short amount of time.

The good news for developers, investors, and fans of NFT games out there is this is only the beginning. Games that feature NFTs are only going to become more popular in the next few years as they make their way into the mainstream.

However, a challenge that NFT game developers are going to have to overcome is creating marketplaces where their users can buy, sell, and trade the NFTs they earned from playing their games. The issue is that developing an NFT marketplace from scratch not only adds to the overall cost of the gaming project but adds to the development time too — which only serves to delay their entry into the marketplace.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to this: a white-label NFT marketplace. With that in mind, this post explores the benefits of using a white-label NFT marketplace for your gaming project and how they can contribute to the long-term success of your NFT game.

Lower Cost

Perhaps the biggest advantage of a white-label NFT marketplace is its far lower cost when compared to developing a bespoke solution.

First and foremost, you’ll save on the upfront development cost of creating an NFT marketplace from the ground up. Better still, the savings will be substantial, as the average NFT marketplace costs somewhere between $14000 and $55000.

Secondly, with a white-label NFT marketplace, you won’t have to pay ongoing maintenance costs as you would with a custom marketplace; your service provider is responsible for maintaining the platform and be on hand to offer support whenever you need it.

The cost of building a custom NFT marketplace can be so prohibitive that it can act as a barrier to entry for some game developers looking to enter the market. With a white-label NFT marketplace, on the other hand, you can get started straight away and dedicate your financial resources to making the best version of your game possible, building brand awareness, and growing a loyal community.

Quick and Easy Set-Up

Another huge advantage that a white-label NFT marketplace offers is that you don’t have to wait for it to be completed before your users can begin trading their NFTs.

A white-label NFT marketplace doesn’t require any development — which also means there’s no development cycle. You won’t have to worry about analysis, planning, design, working your way through different iterations of the marketplace, testing, debugging, updates or patches, etc. While a custom NFT marketplace takes months to develop, a white-label NFT marketplace can be up-and-running instantly.

With the market for NFT games, and the NFT space in general, growing so rapidly — time is of the essence. The companies that can release their games and develop vibrant NFT marketplaces in the shortest time stand to profit the most and make the biggest impact.

Regular Upgrades

Similarly, with a white-label NFT marketplace, you won’t have to pay for frequent updates and new features as you would with your own. Instead, when your white-label NFT platform makes improvements, such as additional functionality, tools, or plugins, you’ll automatically benefit from all the upgrades too.

This future-proofs your store and ensures it will still work optimally in the long term. It also means that your NFT marketplace will remain up-to-date as the NFT industry matures and evolves.


A white-label NFT marketplace gives you the customizability and flexibility of a bespoke NFT store — without the high price tag and long development time. This includes customizable design and domain name, so your NFT marketplace matches your game’s branding on point, and custom features tailored to your NFT project. The ability to customize your NFT marketplace not only enables you to stand out against competing gaming projects but it offers more value to your customers and allows you to maximize your profit per transaction and conversion rate.

Make Your Gaming Project Profitable in Less Time

The combination of a white-label NFT marketplace being low cost and having no development time means you’re able to see a return of investment on your gaming project far sooner. You won’t have incurred any costs in getting your game’s NFT marketplace up and running and won’t have had to wait for it to be completed. Instead of waiting, you can start generating revenue and get that all-important head start on your competition.

NFTify — your advanced white-label NFT Marketplace

If you’re looking for a white-label NFT marketplace for your gaming project, look no further than NFTify. We offer one of the most advanced NFT marketplace platforms out there.

Benefits of NFTify include:

  • Set up your NFT marketplace for free — within minutes
  • Multichain Support: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon
  • Customizable branding: change the layout of your marketplace to match your branding
  • Customizable domain name
  • Custom token payments: use your project’s token as payment on your NFT marketplace with just a few clicks
  • Integration with marketing tools, such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel

As we’ve explored throughout this post, there are many advantages to using a white-label NFT marketplace instead of building your own.

Sign up for your free NFT marketplace today or, if you want to find out more about why NFTify is the ideal complement to your NFT gaming project, please feel free to contact us.

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NFTify create NFT marketplace on BSC, Ethereum and Polygon
NFTify Platform | Create your own NFT store without coding



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NFTify is a platform that allows any NFT projects to create their own advanced NFT marketplace without any coding and upfront costs required.