Homo Erotism and Muscular Theology

Published in
5 min readOct 7, 2023

NFTIFY’s İlker Cihan Biner talked to artist Cihan Bacak.

Cihan Bacak creates a fantasy universe by going to the extreme limits of homo eroticism with his ‘Muscular Theology’ series.
The artist’s visuals, who works with artificial intelligence while creating this series, will be exhibited in the ‘From Reality to Photo-Reality’ section of 212 Photography Istanbul, held at Museum Gazhane between 5–15 October.
I talked to Cihan Bacak about the formation stages of ‘Muscular Theology’, his perspective on artificial intelligence and many other things.

Where did the idea of ‘Muscular Theology’ come from?

I started the project inspired by a historical Christian movement demonstrating their religious beliefs by carefully caring for and developing their bodies. I combined the male body with the concept of movement (which I’ve been working on since I started photography). One of the aims was to present homo-eroticism in an accessible way to all kinds of looking eyes. Muscular Theology is a long-term project based on aesthetically giving stories of contemporary men of different classes and nationalities who spend much time in the gym. It is essentially a fantasy universe and continues to evolve with each level. It is inevitable to observe that the characters in the project gain depth with the development of artificial intelligence from the Instagram account.

What sparked the project is the gym routine that I started to go to regularly in the last two years. It became a sanctuary that opened new doors for me, who had no relationship with sports before. It fascinated me to initiate and witness a transformation both mentally and physically. My perspective on the body has changed, and my respect for a developed body has moved to another dimension. I couldn’t photograph all the moments and frames engraved in my mind during my time in the gym, but at the computer, I was free to give them the shape I wanted. I combined the pictures in my head with pop music and the lyrics of pop songs I listened to obsessively in sports, and the project was exemplary. This is how my relationship with artificial intelligence started at the beginning of the year and evolves daily.

Will ‘Muscular Theology’ take part in any art events?

The pieces from the ongoing series will be physically exhibited for the first time at 212 Photography Istanbul in the ‘From Reality to Photo-Reality’ section between 5–15 October at Museum Gazhane. I am currently preparing a special series for Apollo Magazine based in Paris. It is a field that I have been in for only six months, and I am pleased with the speed and interest. We are talking about other ideas, perhaps alternative projects such as the sale of works.

Where does artificial intelligence stand in your work?

I have been taking photographs since 2017, and contemporary dance, movement, fashion, and the realistic use of these elements in photography have been areas that I have been obsessively and passionately working on. With AI, I combined this experience with masculinity and the body. AI allows me to realise ideas that would be much more difficult to learn in photography on my own, whenever I want, and to get the pictures in my head with 100% creative freedom without depending on external factors and production. Muscular Theology is a fantasy universe for me, evolving and developing. With every update to Midjourney (the artificial intelligence platform I use), I get new updates to myself.

And I find the closed opinions of people who do not work in this field conservative and annoying. I recommend that everyone who produces should spend time and discover the artificial intelligence portal that suits them and give time to it because talking and exchanging ideas with people who do not know this field is very challenging for those who spend this time.

Will artificial intelligence take part in your future projects?

When the time is right, with the right people, I would like to make a contemporary dance/fashion project where photography and artificial intelligence intertwine. There are so many things going on in my head about this. I’m sure they will eventually find ground and turn into work.

What do you think about NFT? Can we see your visuals in different digital spaces like NFT in the future?

I believe in the right time. Although ambitious and productive, I would only prefer to do something with maturing to gain an appearance. I am open to every idea and offer if it is organic and in a way that I feel comfortable with the right platform/person/institution. But as a multi-disciplinary and multi-job description, I am obsessed with doing everything I do in the proper and good-looking way. I am open to offers and guidance in this field.


This interview was first published in nftify.com.tr in Turkish. The interview was later translated from original to English, and minor changes were made during the translation.

Original Article: https://nftify.com.tr/homo-erotizmin-sinirlarinda-muscular-theology/




NFTIFY is an independent NFT, digital art and AI platform that brings together artists, galleries and writers. Available in English and Turkish.