How ng-conf Will Help You Win as a Manager

Owen Mecham
Published in
4 min readDec 12, 2019

Being a manager is not easy. You have a responsibility to develop, train, and retain employees. You are also responsible for making sure that your employees produce work that meets the objectives of the business. I’d like to share how sending your teams to ng-conf can help you succeed in your role as a manager and be the leader that employees love to work with!

ng-conf Provides World-Class Angular Training that Employees Need

ng-conf is a 3 day Angular Conference and will be held on April 1st to 3rd, 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Your employees will hear talks from Angular experts from all across the globe. The entire Angular Team from Google will also be in attendance. Not only are these experts presenting, but they are available during the conference in experts rooms.

The second day of the conference is a multi-track format with workshop sessions that will allow your team members to move beyond listening to actually coding along with the presenters. The companies that I have worked for have made sure to send multiple employees to allow us to have at least one person in each track.

If you need more intensive training about Angular, NGRX, or other topics, there are specialized workshops available during the two days just before ng-conf.

When You Send Employees to ng-conf, You Help Your Company Succeed

Every company has a budget that they have to operate within. How will you know if you will get a return on the investment of sending employees to ng-conf?

First, let’s identify the cost of the investment: a conference ticket, travel, and accommodations are the largest expenses. Most of the meals are included as a part of the conference, so only a minimal food stipend would be required. A hidden cost is the time spent at the conference instead of working on features for your company.

Now let’s take a look at how your investment generates a return.

Sharpening Your Tools

Dr. Stephen Covey said it best when he stated “We must never become too busy sawing to take time to sharpen the saw.” Writing code without the most current information and knowledge of industry best practices is like trying to cut down a tree with a dull saw blade. ng-conf is like taking time to sharpen your Angular saw blade. When your employees return, they will be energized and excited to implement the solutions they learned and they’ll be enabled to succeed at solving your company’s problems.

If you have a single scrum team that is stuck trying to solve a complex problem, the cost of their lost productivity can easily be greater than the cost of investing in sending your employees to ng-conf.

Employees Enjoy Working With Managers that Invest in Their Growth

The cost of retaining excellent employees is far less than acquiring and replacing your existing staff. The cost for hiring a new employee can exceed tens of thousands of dollars. Once hired, it can take many months for a new employee to become productive with enough knowledge of your specific business domain.

One way to help keep your existing staff both happy and well trained is to send them to ng-conf. As Richard Branson has said,

Train people well enough so they can leave. Treat them well enough so they don’t want to.

How to Get the Most Out of the Conference?

Send employees with questions they need answered.

Employees should be expected to present a report of what they learned when they return. Challenge them to come back with 3 actionable ideas that they want to implement to improve the process of your daily work. You could even hold a company-wide code-share where employees present their findings and proposals.

I can say from personal experience that the things I’ve learned from attending ng-conf have prevented my company from having to do large scale refactors. Questions I’ve personally had answered at ng-conf include:

  • “How to implement State Management”
  • “Why to use Reactive Programming”
  • “How to Implement Internationalization”
  • “How to Share Code Effectively”

Additionally, learning how to optimize our build process has cut down on our build times saving both time and money.

Be The Hero Manager

Investing in employees sends a message that you and your company care about on-going employee personal development and happiness. Sending employees to conferences not only provides incredible ROI for your business, but it positions you as a leader that people want to work for.

When you add up everything that ng-conf has to offer, the cost of attendance is an exceptional value. As your teams attend ng-conf, they’ll be better trained and more effective at accomplishing the goals of the business. An investment in ng-conf can pay for itself in a few weeks! If you haven’t purchased your tickets yet, they are available at

I look forward to seeing you and your employees at ng-conf 2020!

EnterpriseNG is coming

EnterpriseNG is a two-day conference from the ng-conf folks coming on November 19th and 20th. Check it out at

