How to Override Component Providers in Angular Unit Tests

Jared Youtsey
2 min readMay 28, 2021


First, why do we need component-specific providers? Sometimes we need a 1:1 relationship between a component and a service. Services that are providedIn: "root" are application singletons (1:n). So, if we have two components we’ll have only one service instance. This doesn’t work in all scenarios. For example, if the service manages some private state, then two components using the same service can stomp on each other’s state value, or, if you’re doing reactive programming and creating a view model in a component that composes RxJS observables from a service that is specific to the component. In those cases, we need to provide the service in the component’s providers:

providers: [MyService]
export class MyComponent {}

The way we usually provide and mock services in our unit tests won’t work as expected in these cases. Let’s see that in action:

providers: [ MyService ]
class MyComponent { }

declarations: [ MyComponent ]
providers: [ MyService ]

let svc1 = TestBed.get(MyService);
let svc2 = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(MyService);

In the above case, svc1 is not the service being used by the component. It’s an application-wide singleton, but the component isn’t going to use it. svc2 is the service used by the component since we pulled that reference from the fixture’s injector. So, how do we mock that service?

We actually need to override the TestBed component:

const mockService = jasmine.createSpyObj('svc', ['method']);
set: {
providers: [{
provide: MyService,
useValue: mockService
declarations: [ MyComponent ]

We are using TestBed.overrideComponent to configure our component and pass in specific providers to the component. (FYI you can do a lot more with overrideComponent too.) Now, mockService is the instance that is provided toMyComponent. Easy!

Happy unit testing!

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Jared Youtsey
Editor for

Passionate about JavaScript and Angular. Pure front-end development for the past eight years or so…