Shall I Tell You What I Think of You?

You’re Something Wonderful!

Brooke Avery
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2019


“I have nothing unique to share”… “I’ll get stage fright”… “I don’t know how to prep a talk”… “What if I make a mistake?”… “I’m not expert enough.”

Every year, we hear many reasons why developers hesitate to submit a talk to our CFP. They’re all legitimate concerns and we understand where you’re coming from.

But one thing we know after years of putting on the world’s largest Angular conference is that we are a community of support, encouragement, growth, and caring. We want you to Whistle A Happy Tune of success!

Which is why we strive every year to provide as much assistance for speakers as possible. Worried about stage fright? We’ll help you prep with one-on-one training from a professional speaking coach. And when it comes to making mistakes on stage… just remember that the audience is rooting for you. They came to learn and they want YOU to succeed.

Here are some other benefits that pay off for braving up and submitting to speak at ng-conf:

  • Paid travel and hotel accommodations
  • Build your network
  • Learn new skills
  • Meet your heroes
  • Strengthen your personal brand

You can find a more complete list of all the perks ng-conf offers our amazing speakers here.

Not Sure What to Present at ng-conf or How to Apply for the CFP?

We sent a survey to see what YOU wanted to hear on the stage at #ngconf 2020 and the results are IN!

The top FIVE survey result topics are:

  • RxJS
  • Ivy Renderer
  • Testing
  • Build Pipelines
  • State Management

Be sure to check out our CFP Office Hours with conference organizers Aaron Frost and Jorge Cano for more information, tips, and ideas.

We’re here to support and help you fulfill the dreams that you have dreamed.

“Make believe you’re brave. And the trick will take you far. You may be as brave. As you make believe you are.”

Take your skills, your network, and your career to a whole new level. Click here to submit your CFP!

If speaking at a conference isn’t for you, we’d still love to have you join us for ng-conf 2020: The Musical!

This is Home, Sweet Home!

Learn more about ng-conf at

EnterpriseNG is coming

EnterpriseNG is a two-day conference from the ng-conf folks coming on November 19th and 20th. Check it out at



Brooke Avery
Editor for

GDE in Angular | Software Engineer | Director @ The Angular Community Meetup | Co-Producer @ Dev.Life Podcast | Jedi Master