FUD or Critique? A Guide to Spotting the Difference

Komal Amin
Published in
3 min readDec 23, 2022

During volatile and uncertain times like these, it is more important than ever to be able to differentiate between fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) tactics and genuine critique. FUD is used to manipulate the market and create a climate of panic, often leading investors to make hasty, emotionally-driven decisions, rather than informed ones. In this article, we provide our top tips to clearly discern between legitimate criticism and FUD in order to invest successfully. Here’s how to play — and win — the game of ‘Is it FUD or Genuine Critique?’

FUD or Fact? Always Verify.

Is it coming from a reliable source?

In today’s age of information overload, it can be difficult to verify facts and make sure that what we’re reading is reliable. With this in mind, it’s good to exercise caution and always check the source of any information. Ask yourself what proof there is behind the claims being made.

What’s the agenda behind the claims?

Another important step is to consider the agenda behind the information being shared. Is it genuine critique or FUD being used to undermine competitors? Being aware of the agenda behind the information can help you determine if it’s trustworthy.

What are the author’s credentials?

Check the credentials of authors. If they have experience in the subject they’re writing about, it’s more likely that their information may be accurate. What are their track records on the topics?

Read around to get a bigger picture

It’s important to remember that no single source can be relied upon completely; it’s important to read multiple sources and draw your own conclusions. This means cross-referencing statements and claims across different platforms and sources. What are the similarities and contradictions across these sources? With information confirmed by more than one reliable source, you can be more confident in the accuracy of the information and avoid FUD.

Past its Sell-by Date? Stay Current.

Want to be a front-runner in spotting the next big thing? Relying on out-of-date information is certainly not going to help. Stay educated and up-to-date on your target industry so that you can consider real-time critique and avoid the trap of FUD. You may well want to equip yourself with knowledge about the latest products being launched, potential competitors, and foreseeable risks involved in investing your money. Be ahead of the curve by educating yourself on the latest trends, regulations, and news in your industry. This way, you will be prepared for anything that might come your way — including any FUD when it arises. By familiarizing yourself with the latest data, you’ll be able to recognize when someone may be using fear tactics to manipulate you or others.

Saying Farewell to FUD.

FUD is often well disguised as legitimate criticism, and differentiating between the two is no easy task. By following these simple guiding principles, you will be better positioned to distinguish between FUD and legitimate critique, ensuring better success in your web3 journey.

Real critique should provide an honest assessment of a company, coin, or technology based on facts and evidence. It is often used by experts and analysts to help potential investors make an informed decision as well as hold actors within web3 to account.

At NGMI Lab, our research process is always transparent, and our analysis is accompanied by valid points as well as references to verifiable facts. We aim to generate balanced, thoughtful discussion with insights into the industry and its challenges and opportunities. Most importantly, our objective is simple: to provide our members with impartial research to make better-informed decisions. In doing so, we hope you embrace critical thinking and say farewell to FUD for good!

