Do you Need a BLS Certification to Prepare for Parenthood? by NHCPS
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2018

PARENTHOOD BRINGS LOVE, PEACE, AND JOY DURING LIFE’S MOST DIFFICULT TIMES. Parents are responsible for the life they carry and bring into his world. They help to celebrate each milestone in a child’s life, from the beginning of birthday, and throughout their entire life. But what happens, when a child is choking, have suffered a life-threatening injury or go into cardiac arrest (CA), how will you respond? Children born with congenital heart disease or participate in sports or everyday activities are at risk for CA according to the American Heart Association (AHA) Journal, Circulation. Non-hospital related cardiac arrest rates upon children are increasingly higher than those of adults, and it’s a frightening reality. Adults who obtain the Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification possess the power to change a life, by saving a life. What better way to prepare for parenthood.

Why Should Parents Consider BLS Certification?

Children of this day and age face the same mortality rates of children at the end of the 20th century. Childhood traumas can be overwhelming to guardians and new parents. Children born with chronic health problems are more likely to experience cardiac arrest than children without chronic health issues, such as cardiac arrest or (SCA). The most common cause of SCA is Ventricular fibrillation (VF), an abnormality in the heart’s electrical system. Other causes of SAC include:

  • Congenital Heart Disease such as vascular malformation, a genetic disorder or Marfan Syndrome.
  • An Anaphylactic reaction to an unidentifiable or known allergen which constricts breathing
  • High possibility of cardiovascular problems due to certain lifestyle habits like high cholesterol levels, consuming nicotine products, obesity or hypertension.
  • Juvenile diabetes increases mortality risks by sevenfold according to the American Heart Association.

The inability to maintain a constant airway when choking or having a seizure restricts air from entering the airways, thus putting pressure on the heart to pump harder. For children under the age of 5-years-old choking is the fourth cause of death. The most common cause of choking for children in this age group are small objects or toys, foods like hot dogs, plastics like balloons and latex products and large coins. Children love to explore their environment by tasting, which is fun for them and equally dangerous. This is particularly true of infants who love the bite and chew on objects when they are going through that age of teething.

This training teaches parents to spring into a life-saving mode within five seconds of not feeling a pulse and to take the next step in the BLS training like repositioning the head.

Does BLS Training Negativity Impact an Unborn Child?

Most women are encouraged to remain active throughout their pregnancy, providing they are not experiencing a high-risk pregnancy. However, pregnant women should always consult with their obstetrician before engaging in any strenuous activities, including exercises. Most doctors might feel that pregnant women should slow down their hyperactive lifestyle during the later stage of pregnancy, assuming this is the case, expectant moms can pursue an online (BLS) certification. Lifelike virtual reality classroom training contains the same materials found in brick and mortar classrooms. Instead of using a mannequin, mom can use dad or another adult.

Key Components of BLS Certification to Prepare Parents for Life Emergencies

BLS is a step above less advanced life-saving techniques which include checking for breathing and air flow. Basic Life Support training teaches parents how to quickly and effectively check for these signs, without losing precious time. This training teaches parents to spring into a life-saving mode within five seconds of not feeling a pulse and to take the next step in the BLS training like repositioning the head.

Parents then place one hand on the forehand while placing the other hand under the chin. Slightly tilt the head backward while pulling upwards on the chin slightly. This step provides a clear air path, by moving the tongue away from the back of the mouth.

Parents can then deliver two rescue breaths if no sign of breathing is present. This is determined by the rising of the chest. If a pulse is still not found, the parent needs to go into full CPR mode solo or with another person.

With children, the cause of cardiac arrest could be due to trauma or injury. Getting immediate medical help is crucial to improving the chances of survival.

Infants are lightweight and easy to handle and carry. Therefore, if a choking emergency arises, parents can lift, carry and place their infant on a flat surface. Parents learn BLS training for children of all ages.

Protecting Children from Crash Injuries

  • Always use age-appropriate seat belts
  • Never let children under 12-years of age ride in the front seat
  • Teach teens about the dangers of texting while driving

In-Home Safety Tips

  • Secure movable furniture to the wall or floor
  • Keep medications in locked cabinets
  • Use safety gates near stairs
  • Keep small objects out of sight

Fires and Burns

  • Have in home fire drills
  • Keep hot water temperature within reason
  • Check and replace smoke detectors and batteries


  • Supervise children swimming or playing near pools
  • Insist children wear a life jacket
  • Never let small children swim alone

Parenthood is filled with pleasure, joy, and commitment. But an incident, accident or injury can soon put an end to such happiness. BLS puts parents back in charge of saving a life. Become BLS certified before parenthood. Be prepared for the unexpected.


-- by NHCPS
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Empowering Life Savers Around the World through the Save a Life Initiative.