5 Healthcare Trends to Watch Out for in 2019

Vansha Mahajan
NHCT - NanoHealthCare Token
4 min readNov 2, 2018

The world is moving forward in a lot of ways, the people are becoming much more aware, smart and conscious of their actions. In this day and age, people are searching for much more efficient systems that would not only help better their lives but also contribute to a greater good. This awareness has led to people wanting healthcare to be a much more approachable and efficient sector. Thus, these growing needs have to be satisfied with new innovations and ideas in healthcare.

Technological innovations are on a rise and no industry wants to be left behind in this race. The healthcare industry is also going through this transformation. Experts have claimed that in 2019 and the future they see clearer skies ahead but with a little turbulence for the healthcare sector.

Here are a few of the trends that we see in healthcare that you need to keep an eye out for :

  1. Emerging and converging Digital health

The digital revolution is making an impact on every aspect of our lives and this includes healthcare. Apps, wearables and health sensors are continuously creating terabytes of new granular data. Artificial intelligence, telehealth, blockchain technology etc are slowly being infused into the daily consumer experience.

2. Customer experience as a priority

Today customers expect the best of everything as they are used to a specific standard when it comes to making purchases. The same trend is now seen in healthcare as well. Their experience of using a particular product or service is given a lot of importance — for instance, a hospital is not just responsible for curing you but also for making the whole process easier for you. A much more efficient, user-friendly, accessible and transparent healthcare system is increasingly being expected by people.

3. Artificial Intelligence(AI) — Our new co-workers

The ‘Human Touch’ has always been the selling point of healthcare systems all around the globe. With the help of artificial intelligence, we can better this concept with a twist. People are looking forward to using AI in a way that decreases bureaucracy and administrative duties, creating a more personalized environment for customers. Today, companies are bringing in AI to streamline all their administrative work to make it much more effective and organised.

4. Middlemen will soon be an endangered species

With the advancement of technological innovations and administrative techniques in healthcare, the middleman may soon become endangered. People have slowly understood that without middlemen, the cost, as well as the time, of providing quality healthcare can be reduced a lot. Thus, intermediaries between the payer and the provider face the risk of their businesses being disrupted by bigger conglomerates such as Amazon.

5. Tax reforms

Healthcare all around the world has been a hot topic and governments are trying to bring changes in how they deal with health and healthcare through tax reforms. The impact of these reforms will be different for each country based on the kind of action their government decides to take. For instance, in the US, the corporate tax rate is being reduced and a shift is being made to a territorial system. As a territorial system taxes businesses only on the income earned within the country, it is important to assess its impact on the healthcare sector. Would it drive costs up or make it more affordable? These changes need to be taken into consideration and strategies have to be created around it to safeguard the sector.

To succeed in this competitive environment, it is important that organizations make significant investments not only to cut down costs but also to improve the quality of medical care. 2017 was filled with industry-wide cybersecurity breaches and a 525% increase in medical device cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Healthcare organisation must take quick and decisive actions in making customer/patient data safe. More defensive measures shall be taken on this front as the industry moves towards a more digital age.

Companies like NHCT are using blockchain and infusing it into healthcare. Due to its decentralised system, a blockchain based healthcare machinery makes data much safer. NHCT has used this concept to create a blockchain powered ecosystem that provides total health in a very secure and efficient manner. The healthcare industry has to be ready to face these changes and use them in their favor. Though there are challenges the pace of technology will ensure that the healthcare industry keeps up with all these advances. Advancement in allied industries will have a positive effect on healthcare as well.

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