Setting the Stage for 2019

Donna Farvard
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2019

It’s 2019. At NIAC Action, we’re planning for what could be a monumental year of grassroots actions in order to accomplish our main priorities this year.

This year, we have big plans to repeal the Muslim Ban, limit Trump’s war powers, and return to the JCPOA.

Big moves like these require some smaller steps along the way.

To put an end to the unjust Muslim Ban, we’re working on passing a bill through the House and pushing for oversight hearings that investigate the sham of the waiver process. To put a stop on Trump’s path to war, we’re working on legislation that will require Congressional approval before Trump can act out against Iran. And to reinstate the nuclear agreement, putting an end to the sanctions that punish ordinary Iranians every day, we’re encouraging Congress to hold the President accountable to his international agreements.

Meeting Jennifer Wexton, a candidate endorsed by NIAC Action who won her Congressional Race in VA-10.

The new Congress has a host of issues to deal with in the year ahead, and we need to act fast to make sure our priorities make it to their list. That’s why we need to make our voices heard now, by meeting with our members of Congress, collecting petition signatures and generating calls to congressional offices, and doing so much more — and we need your help.

We’re hosting a National Volunteer Call next Wednesday, Jan. 30 at 8 PM EST/5 PM PST to preview our legislative priorities for 2019 and our month-to-month action plan You can RSVP at

Virtual training we ran for LA volunteers ahead of doing Congressional visits.

We have a real opportunity to take major steps to resist Trump’s agenda this year. But we can only take advantage of it if we take action. So I hope to have you join our volunteer call on Wednesday!

