Your members of Congress are in town! Here’s what NIAC Action is planning for August recess.

Donna Farvard
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2019

August is an important month for grassroots advocacy. Congress will be back in their home states for“August recess” — making the month integral to spotlighting the issues that impact the Iranian-American community most, like preventing a war with Iran and ending the Muslim ban.

But just because Congress is on recess, doesn’t mean we are! All month, Members of Congress report back to their constituents about the work they’re doing on our behalf. This gives us all a chance to ensure our elected officials are representing our community’s priorities in Washington DC.

Below are just a few ways you can join a local NIAC Action chapter to make our voices heard:

NIAC Action Boston Chapter volunteers meeting with Rep. Kennedy (MA-4).
  • In-District Meetings — These meetings are an opportunity to meet with your representatives or their staff to share your personal stories of how U.S. policy is affecting you.
  • Town Halls — Town Halls are public events or meetings that Members of Congress hold with their constituents. These are an opportunity for our community to ask questions and call on our elected officials to make public statements about their position on the issues we work on.
  • Writing for Local Papers — Members of Congress pay close attention to what their constituents are saying in local news — making this a prime time to write and place letters to the editors and op-eds in local papers across the country.

There’s a lot to do this month to continue building our community’s political power, and we need your help to do it! Sign up to volunteer today and be a part of a national team working to advance peace and diplomacy, secure equitable immigration policy, and protect the civil rights of all Americans.

