Design Update: Fresher & Cleaner

Peter Huber
Niagara Launcher
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2020

With this update, we aim to polish Niagara Launcher even further to get one step closer to leaving Early Access. First of all, let me introduce you to all the font changes we’ve made:

New Font Options

… and new font options!

New default font ‧ We chose Work Sans as Niagara’s new primary font. It adds a fresh touch to the whole UI, and the typeface's simple style looks amazing. It’s slightly thicker lines improves readability on busy wallpapers. Work Sans harmonizes wonderfully with Josefin Sans; the font applied to Niagara’s alphabet on the right, buttons, and headlines.

Niagara Neo ‧ If you dig the alphabet's geometric look like I do, (take a look at the perfect rounded O — it’s so pleasing!) Niagara Pro users get the choice to apply it on app names as well. We call this font option Niagara Neo.

Font history ‧ Previously selected imported fonts will stay in Niagara’s font dialog to save you a few taps. They’ll also get backed up via Google Drive.

Hybrid Mode ‧ When using an imported font, you can now choose to keep Niagara’s default font for small or long text. This lets you choose a fancy font for your app names without worsening the readability of notifications.

Custom Fonts everywhere ‧ Niagara Launcher now globally applies fonts for a coherent user interface. Previously, the settings screen or several dialogs disregarded your font preference and always used the system font.

Settings Screen

Speaking of the settings screen, we redesigned it and gave it a cleaner look with awesome transition animations. Moreover, we added a sparkle to Niagara Pro’s logo to differentiate it from Niagara Launcher’s logo. We removed the “Pro” badge next to pro features and show Niagara’s new Pro logo when you tap on a Pro feature setting, which now shows a preview for non-Pro users.

Further Polish

Check out the new animation which plays when you tap on something; hope you also enjoy the small details :)

Last but not least: Additional Widget Options

Replaced Niagara Launcher’s clock with the analog and digital widget from Google’s Clock app

Replace clock with widget ‧ Replace Niagara’s clock with a widget of your choice! To do that, long-press the third-party widget and tap on “Replace clock with widget.” Niagara Launcher will hide its clock and moves the app widget above the date.

Horizontal resizing and alignment options ‧ This feature is not fully ready yet, nevertheless we’re interested in hearing your feedback to integrate your feedback as early as possible. With the secret command /resizex you can also resize custom widgets horizontally and simultaneously change their horizontal alignment. Here’s an example of how it works: /resizex.30.L, sets the width to 30% of the widget’s default width, and aligns the widget to the left. If you want to keep it centered, omit the .L at the end.

How to get the update

The update is available right away. Because it’s brand-new, it can be unstable. That’s why you don’t get the update immediately through Google Play but have to download it for yourself. You can download it & see the full changelog on GitHub:

Thank you so much for reading; we can’t wait to hear your thoughts!




Peter Huber
Niagara Launcher

Developer of Niagara Launcher, a fresh & clean Android homescreen replacement.