It’s Been 10 Years Since I Graduated High School and I Feel Old as Hell

Public diary entry written on 6/14/23

Nia Simone McLeod


A group of graduating students through their hats in the air.
Photo by Emily Ranquist

June 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of my high school graduation. High school was such an odd chapter of my life, to the point where I don’t reminisce about it often. Even though it was strange, I can now see that it was integral to my growth. But, it took me a long, long time to mentally get here.

I’m smiling in a selfie, that I assume was taken in the bathroom of my high school.
Photo by author // a selfie I took in senior year (2012–2013) // was I in the bathroom of my high school? I’m getting those vibes lmao

In high school, I was in an awkward transitional phase. I felt unable to truly relax because there was change surrounding me at all times.

I was pushing towards the independence of adulthood, while struggling to leave the comfort of childhood behind. I began to outgrow things that were once important to me, like certain hobbies and long-term friendships. As the courage to let these things go slowly grew, but I remained attached, I was mentally and emotionally off-kilter.

I’ve never been a social butterfly

I struggled with the fact that although I wanted to be “someone” in high school, I never figured out what was right for me.



Nia Simone McLeod

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