Celebrating 10 Years of Breakthroughs at NicaSource

Christian Torres
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2023

As we commemorate the momentous occasion of our 10-year anniversary at NicaSource, I find myself filled with a mix of emotions — pride, nostalgia, and a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. Over the past decade, our company has grown from a US-market focus Agency to a Staff Augmentation Organization with a market presence in US, Australia, and Nicaragua, evolving from a fully co-located company with offices in 2 countries to a remote-first company with employees distribute around the globe, people working from US, Nicaragua, Mexico, Argentina among other countries. Join me as we reflect on the past and look forward to an even brighter future.

First Company End Of Year Celebration in Nicaragua, December 13th, 2013. The first year ends with a small team of 11 people formed by 8 developers, an office manager, a branch CEO -who at that moment was also the Global VP of Technology and Development- and a chef

The Early Days: Planting Seeds of Innovation

A decade ago, our founders had a bold vision to create a company in Nicaragua, it was during Valentine’s Day ❤️ when the vision was confirmed, and then a couple of months later, ten years ago, a group of passionate individuals came together. We started with a handful of developers working tirelessly in a small office space, fueled by a shared belief that we could make a difference, learn new things, and expand our landscape. It was an exciting time of change with the new culture, brainstorming, experimenting, paying attention to quality, and coding late into the night. Our early projects laid the foundation for what was to come, and by then, technology was already reshaping the world as we knew it. As a developer, I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the rapid evolution of programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

First Office at Viejo Santo Domingo, December 7th, 2013.

Building a Healthy Organizational Culture

Sharing knowledge has been part of NicaSource culture since the beginning. At the left a meetup with the Drupal community, one of our first, in October 2013. At the right, our internal twice-a-week company paid lunch gathering to share about technology, November 12th, 2013.

One of the key factors that contributed to our growth was the culture we fostered. Things like sharing knowledge, collaboration, innovation, creativity, adaptability, work-life balance, and autonomy, among other things.

We understood that great ideas rarely come from individual brilliance alone; they emerge from collaboration and diverse perspectives. We encouraged open communication, embraced failure as a learning opportunity, and celebrated our successes together. This spirit has been the driving force behind our achievements.

Cultivating this environment allows every team member to feel empowered to contribute their best work.

Embracing Change and Evolving Technologies

The tech landscape is constantly evolving, and as a company, we knew that adaptability was crucial for our survival. Over the past decade, we have witnessed significant technological advancements, from the rise of mobile applications to the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Embracing these changes, we expanded our skill sets, adopted new technologies, and stayed ahead of the curve. Our ability to adapt and embrace emerging trends has been instrumental in keeping us at the forefront of the industry.

From the early days of web development to the current era of artificial intelligence and cloud computing, our adaptability and hunger for knowledge have been key to our success.

Achieving Strategic Partnerships with our clients

As we transformed to be a staff augmentation company focused on our client’s needs, strategic partnerships played a crucial role in our business landscape.

Our alliance and collaboration become increasingly important in today’s dynamic world. By achieving mutually beneficial goals that we couldn’t accomplish alone, it provides us with opportunities for growth and market expansion. It also enables us to achieve goals more effectively and efficiently and have an impact on both our and our client’s business.

We always look for ways to offer access to specialized expertise and the right fit for the needs of our partners.

Looking Forward to the Next Decade

As we celebrate our 10-year anniversary, we stand at the cusp of an even more exhilarating future. The next decade holds immense promise and opportunities for exponential growth; we must not rest on our laurels. Things such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, ChatGPT, Augmented Reality, Apple Vision Pro are here to stay, and it’s proof that the tech industry continues to evolve and at an unprecedented pace; and we must continue pushing boundaries, thinking outside the box, and anticipating the needs of tomorrow.

We will continue to invest in forging strategic partnerships, nurture emerging talent, and foster a culture of constant experimentation and learning.

In the years to come, we aspire to continue creating groundbreaking products, making a positive impact on our clients and on society, and fostering an inclusive and diverse tech community. With our team’s unwavering dedication and the support of our valued customers, I have no doubt that the next 10 years will be even more extraordinary than the last.

Happy 10-year anniversary, NicaSource!

