A Nice Algebra Problem from the 2023 China Math Olympiad

The Chinese IMO team eat sequences like this for breakfast!*

Russell Lim
Nice Math Problems


Image by author, Chinese flag from Wikimedia Commons

When it comes to Olympiad Mathematics, China rules.

The Chinese team has won the IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) for the last 4 years, and has not finished outside the top 3 in the last 25 years.

China runs its National Olympiad earlier than most countries. All countries run it early in the year, using it as a key part of the IMO team selection process. But China goes one step further, running the 2023 Olympiad in December of 2022!

This article is about Problem 1 of the 2023 China Math Olympiad — the following two-part algebra problem.

Below I will explain my approach to investigating, understanding and attempting to solve this lovely problem.

There are 5 main sections in the article:

  1. Investigating the Problem
  2. Proving the Formula for {a_n}
  3. Proving the Formula for {b_n}
  4. Solution to Part 1
  5. Solution to Part 2



Russell Lim
Nice Math Problems

I teach high school mathematics in Melbourne, Australia. I like thinking about interesting problems and learning new things.