How NiceJob Evaluates Candidates Beyond their Resume

Shonnah Hoy
NiceJob, Nice Life đź‘Ť
4 min readOct 29, 2019

At NiceJob, our hiring process is different than the standard interview process. Our systems scan your resume, and if it looks like you might be a good fit, you’ll receive a link to start first round videos. Once completed, you will be sent another one-way video interview for the second round, and an in-person meet for the third. Now you may wonder, why do we do this?

Well, in short, there’s so much more to someone than a piece of paper they give you. We feel candidates deserve an opportunity to show the best version of themselves. A resume alone does not do a good job of that. We wanted to create an interview process that is more personal.

What A Resume Doesn’t Show that NiceJob Values

A resume is a good technical indicator if someone’s qualified for a position, however, it does not indicate a cultural add. Being a recruiter, cultural add is one of the most important factors when hiring. Knowing if a candidate has a culture fit before scheduling in-person interviews is an effective utilization of time because you can just focus on their technical abilities.

Here are the main things NiceJob looks for, that a resume will not be able to tell us about a candidate:

Personality — Cultural Add

When analyzing the video interviews, we are looking for people who will add to our culture, not just fit. Cultural add is significant because we want a company that has diversity. We don’t want someone who will just adapt to our beliefs and behaviour within an organization, but we want someone who can help change our culture for the better as the company grows.

Personality plays a big role in the candidate selection process because we want candidates who add to our company culture, and can collaborate with our employees. Personality is also a good way to add diversity in the workplace, having a combination of extroverted and introverted individuals who bring different perspectives to the table.

At NiceJob, we are looking for individuals who will thrive in a Startup Culture. We supply a flat organizational structure, no door policy, and the ability to make an impact, regardless of your position. We want team-players who aren’t afraid to voice their opinion, are fast-learners, and are always up for a challenge. Other important characteristics include having someone who’s innovative, intelligent, and pays attention to detail, however, we do not believe there’s a cookie cutter candidate for each position.

Goals — Sense of Direction

Having goals are important because it shows how ambitious someone is and their sense of direction. Although everyone might not have a long 10-year goal, everyone should think of where they want to be in the near future. At NiceJob, we want to make sure that we can help our employees grow alongside the company in the long-run, and accomplish their own goals.

When hiring, we are not looking for candidates who are just dipping their toes in the water. We want candidates who are motivated because they feel NiceJob could help them go in the right direction to achieve their goals. Alignment of goals between employees and NiceJob is important because it helps set priorities, decision making, and creates faster results. We want a mutual relationship where we can help our employees and give them a sense of ownership, while they help the company grow and decrease turnover.

Passion — What do you Love

Passion drives people to move forward and grow; it also tells you a lot about someone. Having a passion is important because it helps people become creative, express themselves, and increases happiness. When you’re doing something you are passionate about, you put in more effort, you feel more accomplished, and create better results!

When discussing passion, we are not just talking about what you love within the position you are applying for. We want to know what your passions are outside of work; what is your dream job? At NiceJob, we are passionate about helping others, and are looking for individuals who share a similar passion.

Values — Do they Align

Everyone has their own values, and nobody’s values are superior. We want to make sure that our values align with our employees so that everyone is happy. When employees agree with company values, they’re more committed to their work and they tend to agree with the company purpose.

Below are our values, and we will briefly elaborate on what all of these mean.

Integrity: Responsibility and service to others in the most ethical and impactful way we can. We strive to do the right thing and always put our customers’ needs first.

Vibrant Community: Fostering friendships, diversity, and a balanced lifestyle between work and play. We are all friends and try to increase team cohesiveness through team socials and rituals, such as bi-weekly team lunches or celebrating someone’s birthday!

Humble Leadership: Not thinking less of ourselves, rather, thinking of ourselves less, while taking initiative. We value great teamwork, where nobody is better than another.

Data-Driven Magic: Being bold, taking risks and using data to create magical experiences for our customers. We work hard to achieve the results that will make our customers happy.

Our Interview Process

Our interview process in 4 seamless rounds!
If that’s not enough, here’s Connor and I describing the interview process and my experience!

Now that you know our interview process and what we look for in a candidate, what are you waiting for?

Check out our careers page by clicking here to see what opportunities we have for you!



Shonnah Hoy
NiceJob, Nice Life đź‘Ť

I’m passionate about people, tech, food, psychology, and travel.