My First Year As A Photographer, I Used my Cell-Phone to Take Photos

Nicey J
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2020

A year ago I decided that I wanted to try a new hobby, photography. Now this wasnt a brand new hobby, my fiance an I actually run our own photography business. I know your reading this a little confused, but my fiance is the photographer for our business. I actually manage the logistics of the business.

Anyways, his love for photography inspired me to give it a try. Every time we would go out into nature to take pictures I would practice using the DSLR. Most of the times using the DSLR would be a bit frustrating so instead I would end up using my cell-phone. Thank goodness for updated technology because my cell-phone had all the features of a DSLR, but at a smaller scale. Once I got the hang of using my phone I fell in love, and eventually I ended up with a gallery full of flowers.

Here are a few of my favorite flower photos that I absolutely love.

Captured by Nicey J

Photo taken in Port St Lucie, FL using F1.7 1/273 s 4.20mm ISO 50

Flower: Mexican Petunia

Captured by Nicey J

Photo taken in Port St Lucie, FL

Flower: African Daisy

Captured By Nicey J

Photo taken in Fort Pierce, FL using F2.4 1/346 s 4.30mm ISO 50

Flower: Sacred Lotus

Captured By Nicey J

Photo Taken in West Palm Beach, FL

Flower: White African Daisy

Captured By Nicey J

Photo Taken in Port St Lucie, FL using F1.7 1/5424 s 4.20mm ISO 50

Flower: Florida Coreopsis

Captured By Nicey J

Photo Taken in Fort Pierce, FL using F2.4 1/1002 s 4.30mm ISO 50

Flower: Black-eyed Susan

Those are some of my top favorite photos. I hope you can see the beauty in them just like I do. Also I hope in some way I inspire you to go out into nature and take photos. All you need is your cell-phone, and you can achieve great things.



Nicey J
Editor for

Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness-Bryant McGill