Income Report for December 2014

Goran Gligorin
Niche Cove
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2015


Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone had a great time during the holidays. I know I did. Time really does fly. I hope you all had as good of a 2014 as I had. So much has happened and so much has changed. To wrap it all up, here’s the last income report of 2014.

As always, let’s look at income table first:

Income Table: December 2014

Following the trend of October and November, December’s income table has the same 2 rows — hosting and Amazon earnings. Luckily the former of them are quite low, and the latter turn the bottom-right number green. I know $34 is not much, but at this point this income is completely passive. Which also means, that I don’t really have much to talk about. December is not really a month of business for me. Rather it took the time to be with my friends and family, and also I made sure I finished up a bunch of things I didn’t want bothering me, so I can focus on the important stuff now that 2015 is here.


Totals Table: December 2014

With the a bit of profit the sites made last month I’m slowly crawling towards that 0-dollar mark. If the next 2 months are like this, I actually achieve that. That’s because I’ve decided not to focus on niche sites at this point in time. Rather I’d like to focus on the software product I told you guys about in my 2015 Goals and Plans post. I’m actually so excited to get going on this, that I can’t really focus on anything else. I estimate it will take me a few months to make it ready for the public.

Totals for 2014

This is the last income report for 2014, so I thought I’d show you guys the totals table for the whole year:

Totals Table: 2014

As you can see this table looks a lot nicer than the previous one. The big winner was of course NW1 which brought in almost $3,000 in profits. Hopefully I’ll create a site at least as good as this one later in the year.

Over to You

Well, that’s it for December of 2014. It was a great year for me and hopefully I’ll make 2015 even better.

Cheers, Goran!

