Income Report for January 2015

Goran Gligorin
Niche Cove
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2015


Wow, it’s already April and I still haven’t written a single income report for 2015. Well it’s time to fix that.

I’ll be honest. I haven’t touched any of my sites in a long while. They just sit there and bring in a few dollars each month. This trend continued in January. Here’s the income table for the month:

Income Table: January 2015

I must say I’m surprised that NW1 still earns a few commissions every month. None of its rankings are in the top 10 and only a few low search volume keywords are in the top 20.

NW2 is a similar kind of mystery. It never ranked anywhere high in particular, so by what means to people find their way to it, I’m not really sure. With monthly traffic of about 60 to 80 visitors, it just seems to be more or less luck.


Totals Table: January 2015

In a month that I didn’t do much work on my websites, there’s not much to report about. Here is the totals table at the end of January. It’s a small change, but at least it’s a positive one.

Over to You

The first half of January I was busy programming my software product very actively. I managed to lay the ground work and started planning all the features and the way to implement them. In the second half, however I went on a trip to Mexico with 3 of my friends. We’ve been planning this for months and it was amazing. If you love to travel, I recommend you visit that beautiful country. Oh, and not having to endure freezing temperatures for a month was an added bonus.

Anyway, February report is coming in a couple of days and the one for March a few days after that.

Cheers, Goran!

