Income Report for March 2015

Goran Gligorin
Niche Cove
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2015


Considering it’s a week into April, this income report is actually on time. March was the first month in a long while, that I haven’t reported a profit. Actually it has been since January last years, which makes it 14 whole months. I’m really proud about that.

But let’s get back to the income part of the report:

Income Table: March 2015

As you can see most of what made this month go into red are domains from Namecheap. I bought a domain for the new software product I’m developing. For now I won’t reveal much about it, but it’s pretty much the thing my life revolves around these days. I love working on it and it seems to be coming along nicely, but it will take at least a few more months to get it ready for public.

I also had to renew the domain of NW2. I was split between letting it go or renew it, but decided to go the latter path. I’ve looked at data for that website a bit and saw it has potential. I found the most relevant were the actual products that were sold on Amazon via my affiliate link. Ignoring the random stuff, all the products except for one where from the same part of the website. So, when I come back to working on niche websites, I’m going to make it focused on that topic and just use the other articles as a related info kind of thing. Of course I’ll do my keyword and competition researches before changing anything.


Totals Table: March 2015

The loss in March means, I’ve dipped a bit deeper into red, but not much. I’m not really worried about it, as I don’t see any huge investments in the near future.

Over to You

Finally, all caught up. These income reports were sitting in the back of my mind for 2 months now, so I’m really happy I have published them. Now it’s back to developing my software product.

Cheers, Goran!

