6 Easy Exercises You Can Do To Be More Positive! Anybody Can Do Them!

Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts
7 min readJul 22, 2020

Hi, my friends! Here are 6 simple exercises that you can do every day to contribute to your mental strength.

These 6 exercises can help make a positive difference in your life that allows you to feel successful and generate your own positivity and self-worth without relying on something or someone else to give it to. I have purposely done these exercises in an order that might reflect an average routine day.

I hope this helps you because they have sure helped my day be a little bit better.

Make Your Bed

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

No, I am not your mom or dad and I am not trying to boss you around but making your bed is something that really works. Let me ask you a question. Do you want to be successful every day? I do!

I have not met anybody who doesn’t. But oftentimes people do not seem to find success in the little things in life because they may not see how it makes a difference.

There have been times in my life that I have looked at someone that I have admired and in my head, I was like “wow they were so smart to do and achieve what they did. I wish I had an idea that could just catch fire and shoot to the top of success” or “I wish I had could find success as fast as they did”.

In those moments, I was not realizing that they had to go through many, many, tasks in order for them to reach that overall success. This means for you and me that each successful task we accomplish(no matter how small) contributes to my overall success.

So by getting up in the morning and making your bed it allows you to start off the day with a win and what happens when you win? It feels good.

I know from my experience that this exercise has allowed me to feel 3 specific things. The first is to feel good about my self. The second is the feeling that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to.

Finally, feeling the urge and the need to get those feelings again. So for me, it is a good way to start off the day and I know that it can be for you. Just be brave and give it a try.

Look at Visual Representations of Positivity and Success

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What do I mean by this? I mean exactly what it says it means! If you want to become a doctor put up a picture of being a doctor. If you want to have a ripped body put up a picture of a man or woman that is super fit. If you wanna be happier put up a photo of someone who is smiling.

Do you get the picture? ha! Bad pun, I know. Anyway back on topic. These pictures or items( because they can be anything that reminds you of your goals), should be put in a place where you know you will see them every day and all the time. whether it is on your phone or on your front door before you leave for work.

Also, make it obvious to you so you know what it is there for so that one day you not wondering why you of this picture of this random lady or man up on your wall. I have done things very similar many times.

Making it obvious allows it to be easy to connect with your aspirations. This helps with motivation, as well as, a reminder of what you desire out of life. Motivation helps you with the “I can” mentality. The reminder helps with everyday struggles where we might want to give up because its hard.

Say Compliments and “I Can” Phrases

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I have done this a lot. Especially when I am struggling through something.

The most important part of this exercise is being Vocal. Do not just say these phrases and compliments in your head. It needs to come out of your mouth.

When your vocalizing something positive it gives you power. Positivity gives you the power to find solutions and reasons to keep going. The more often you say them, the more likely you are to do and be them.

That is the same with thoughts to words and actions to becoming. A quote that I love that has been said in various forms and by various people goes something like this “ the man who says he can and the man who says he can’t are both right”.

This also applies to compliments about yourself. If you say to yourself positive things like “I am capable” or “I am beautiful” over and over again you will be flooding yourself with positive and constructive opportunities to be that way.

Some of you may ask, “well what if I do not believe I can do a certain task?” or “what if I do not believe that I am what I say?”. My answer to that is to keep saying them. If you are not certain things that you say you are, then the “I can” Mentality gives you some opportunity and hope to be better. If you do not believe in yourself, then being able to notice and compliment yourself vocally about them gives you the opportunity to know that they are true.

You can help yourself be positive by practicing marinading yourself in your own positivity. You just got to keep trying and do it with consistency.

Practice Smiling

Image by Shahid Shafiq from Pixabay

This is very similar to the last one. The idea is to physically practice something that is associated with happiness and positivity. the more you do it the more it can become part of your natural countenance.

It might be weird at first smiling for no apparent reason. You might even need help starting off by a funny story, video, or meme. That is okay! Just keep it going and remember consistency.

Make Others Smile

Image by Perlenmuschel from Pixabay

(Hope this picture brought a smile to your face, it brought a smile to mine.)

I think this exercise kind of speaks for itself. One of the greatest gifts and feelings in the world is to be able to make someone smile, laugh, or feel good about themselves. This contributes to your positivity, as well as theirs, by multiplying it through someone else.

The Fact is when you are able to bring some kindness and laughter into someone else’s life it then magnifies by lifting the other person up with joy or hope which then helps you feel that feeling of accomplishment and success. Just like making your bed only better. haha! I know clever huh!

If you do not know where to start with this exercise then here are a few ideas.

  • Share an inspiring video
  • Tell a Joke (that does not harm anyone’s self-worth in the process)
  • help someone on a project
  • tell someone you care
  • compliment someone

Write Down Things You are Grateful for

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Finding things you are grateful for is very important to a positive lifestyle. Negativity, for the most part, revolves and focuses around on what someone lacks.

However, positivity focuses on things that people have or can do. So by finding things you are grateful for allows you to keep your mind in a good uplifting perspective. It is like the question many of us have probably heard, “is the cup half empty, or is it half full?”. In the end, it is what it is, but we can choose what we get out of it.

If you are wondering why I say to write things down instead of just think them is because when we write things down we tend to remember them a lot better. Plus, it allows those who feel that they are not good at it to practice and remember them through hearing, seeing, and writing them down. So yes, those of you who are wondering you should practice saying them too!

Remember You…..

can do anything you set your mind to. You can succeed. It is the little things every day that builds overall success and they do make a difference.

I found that these exercises have helped in my life on good days and bad days.

The whole idea behind these 6 exercises is that they come all from in oneself. It shows that anybody can generate their own source of positivity and be a light to others. Because at the end of the day someone can look back and say…………

  • Make your bed(I did that)
  • Look at Visual Representations of Positivity and Success( because I want that)
  • Saying Compliments and “I Can” Phrases(I said that)
  • Practice Smiling(I chose that)
  • Make Others Smile( I did that)
  • Find things to be grateful for(I found that)

Originally published at https://powerinpositivity.com on July 22, 2020.



Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts

I am a writer here simply to express my thoughts and outlooks on things that I have come to learn.