Finding Inspiration To Overcome Trials!

Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts
3 min readJul 24, 2020
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

You are capable of overcoming any trial that comes your way. Many others have gone through very similar trials that you are going through and have come out on top, so why can’t you?………If you are thinking up a list as an answer to that question I want you to stop. There will always be reasons why you can’t. Try to find reasons why you can.

This means you also have to focus on things you can control. If you do not know where to start go and look for inspiration. Do not wait and be inspired. Go and ask friends, read stories, look up videos, and do anything else that you need to do in order for you to get answers that you seek or comfort that you need. It really helps.

The more you know about your situation the more you know what to do to overcome it. Whether it is something like depression or the fact your favorite restaurant is closing, you can find a way to get through it.

There are many people every day that overcome trials of all kinds. Some of them probably thought they would never be able to overcome them but they did. I love it when I read and hear stories of people overcoming problems in their life, it is so inspiring.

I especially love to hear them when I am in the midst of a trial myself. It gives me hope and allows me to switch my thinking from “ I don’t think I am going to be able to get through this” to “ If they were able to overcome and accomplish it, so can I”.

Image by ShonEjai from Pixabay

I will give you an example from my personal experience.

When I was a freshman in high school I took a guitar class. I had a guitar at home that I never learned how to play and I thought it would be fun to learn. In class(as most people do) we started learning very basic things like scales, finger positions, and songs. Now there were many things that were difficult from being a beginner but one of them was being able to pick the guitar with my fingers separately with each string in a fluent matter without hitting the other strings in the process as well as with changing chords. It was difficult and at that moment I thought things like “how is this even possible, this feels so unnatural.”, but I kept at it but one of the things that kept me going(besides needing a good grade) was watching videos of people on the internet playing fingerstyle guitar so good and so professionally. It was amazing! I thought it was so cool and so beautiful that I said to myself “I have to get good that. If he could do it so can I”. Then after a while I got relatively good at it and then I moved on and started to watch videos about riffs and scales which inspired me again. I was like “if he can do it, I can do it”.

Now by no means did it suddenly make it any easier to do but now I had a goal and a vision that I wanted to achieve so it became worth it. I had a problem I wanted to overcome and I did it. I believe you can too.

I also realize that not all trials are of our choice or making but by having a vision of happiness and success you can one day get there. It does take time, but surely you can get there.

I hope you have personally found strength as you have read this and hope you feel hopeful about getting through the obstacles you have in your life whether big or small. Here is one last thought I want to leave with you. Keep smiling, there is Power in Positivity.

Originally published at on July 24, 2020.



Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts

I am a writer here simply to express my thoughts and outlooks on things that I have come to learn.