Learning From Music | “My Future” By Billie Eilish

Nicholas T Jackson
The Ponderer
Published in
3 min readAug 11, 2023
martavalentinyi at Pixabay

I am grateful for Billie Eilish and her music. Her music is so thoughtful. She has mastered the unique ability in her voice to sing with reverence and power. That is her key vocal trait, and it adds volumes to the message of her music.

In July 2020, when the world seemed bleak and unstable, Billie Eilish released what I think to be one of her underrated musical gems, “My Future.” In a time where the future appeared to be unknown with the negative consequences of the coronavirus.

Billie Eilish puts some things I know about self-love and progression into a unique perspective. It allows me to expand my knowledge and strengthen my spirit.

One of the things I love about Billie Eilish is her distinction as a writer. As a writer, she often takes common subjects such as mental health and self-love and turns them on their heads by questioning what they are as a foundation for inspiration.


One beautifully written line in her song “My Future” expresses the distinction I just described wonderfully. The line is…

(Second Verse)

I know supposedly I’m lonely now (lonely now)

Know I’m supposed to be unhappy

Without someone (someone)

But aren’t I someone? (Aren’t I someone? Yeah)

“But aren’t I someone?”. That is an inspired question, especially within the context of the song.

When I first heard this line, asking, “But aren’t I someone?” it provoked profound reminders of self-love. People are always seeking some variation of love from others. Many of them are searching for love in the form of lifelong companions that can be their best friends forever. That’s a beautiful admiration I believe should still be sought out by those who desire it.

However, because of our world, sometimes we prematurely seek romanticized love from others before we have learned to love ourselves. (I’m not talking about selfishness, but emotional maintenance and self-worth.)

So, in a world where we have social media and can see people achieving romanticized love, sometimes it naturally feels like you are supposed to be unhappy without someone to love. Billie Eilish points out by asking, “But Aren’t I someone?” that we do have someone to love. It’s ourselves!

The value of showing love to ourselves makes for a more robust and enjoyable relationship when we find the person we want to spend the rest of our lives with. Good relationships require trust. So, how is someone supposed to trust you with being loved if you cannot even love yourself?


The second thing I love about the song is its overall premise, which does express itself in the song’s chorus, which reads…

’Cause I, I’m in love

With my future

Can’t wait to meet her

And I, I’m in love

But not with anybody else

Just wanna get to know myself

Getting excited about the future is illustrated in our minds by physically meeting our future selves and being in love with them. It is a well-presented concept to implement progression into our lives, which we must ponder more. Especially me!

We often think of the opposite. What would I tell my younger self if I had the chance to help spark change or encouragement in my younger life? It’s poetic and exciting to think about. However, we will never be able to return to meet our less-learned selves just because of the nature of the past.

Returning to the second lesson of the song, being Excited for your future, being in love with your future self, and instigating a passion for change and character development. After all, why would you be excited to meet your future self if you weren’t any different?

New Beginnings

I know change can be uncomfortable, but it can also be exciting. I hope what I have shared with you today has given you a new perspective on yourself and your future.

We may not be able to go back and change the past, but we can change the future, and one day, we will have the opportunity to meet our future selves in the form of the present every single day. Just remember, you are capable of shaping your future.

So here is to new beginnings and a beautiful song to set as a reminder to seek happiness from yourself before you seek it from others.



Nicholas T Jackson
The Ponderer

I am a writer here simply to express my thoughts and outlooks on things that I have come to learn.