My Understanding Of God’s Purpose

Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts
4 min readMay 23, 2022
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

In the Book of Scripture called the Pearl Of Great Price — a Christian-based piece of Literature — in Chapter 1, God reveals Himself to the Prophet Moses. In the process, God gifts him with knowledge revealing many things of which Moses had inquired of him.

In the process of this great spiritual experience, God specifically shares his eternal purpose with Moses in this one line of dialogue. It reads…

Moses 1:39 “For behold, this is my work and my glory — to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man”

My Simple Understanding Of This Scripture

I am no professional Theologist by any means, but I have had the privilege to grow up reading old English. From the time I was just a little kid, I have been immersed in talks of God, spirituality, and eternal purposes.

So when I give you my thoughts on this scripture, I do so from a nonprofessional active Christian background but as a person who loves deep simplicity.

The Truths I Learned About God

What I love about this scripture is that it is simple. Here God shares an eternal truth which is the cornerstone reason for all of our existence and it is shared with a direct, simple statement.

First, this tells me that as someone who is all great and powerful as God, value communicating in such a way that it allows even the most inferior intelligence to understand the purpose of God.

The second thing I learned is that God is a hard worker. He is actively accomplishing things that he has set out to do.

The Stereotype of God is that he is just sitting around on his throne as if he is an idol just watching the human race give in to the natural man. However, I do not believe so and this scripture is evidence that he does not.

There is this one saying of I see occasionally, which goes like this…

Anything worth having is worth working for. — Author: Danita Turner-Williams

When you work for something you want it. You see value in it. The fact that God says “…this is my work and my glory — to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man”, — “Man” being us as the human race — shows us that he wants us by his side forever because he sees eternal value in us. To me, that is very comforting.

The third truth I learned, is that he takes pride in us. As the human race, he wants us to be the best that we can be, even as he is.

I am not talking about the perspective of being stereotypical sacrilegious. I mean God wants us to be like him in kindness, love, hard work, and honesty. In this scripture, he uses the word “glory” when talking about “man”, aka us.

To me, it shows that he is honored to be our father because it is always an honorable thing to love and serve others for the better of their existence. What father would not want that? Surely, not our Heavenly Father.

With that being said the fourth truth that Moses 1:39 expresses is that he is always there for us. If we are his “work” and his “glory” for the rest of his life, which is eternal, it tells me that his infinite amount of time is dedicated to helping us become the best versions of ourselves that we can be. Exemplifying what it means to love us for time and all eternity. Showing the purest form of charity…

“And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and cenvieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, and rejoiceth not in iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.”- Moroni 7:45, Book of Mormon


God loves you and wants the best for you. Bad things may happen in your life or maybe they already have, but that does not mean God wanted such things to happen.

Just like our loved ones here on earth want nothing unfortunate to happen to us in our lives, neither does God. It just happens because of life and other people’s choices.

With that being said, you are amazing and deserve all good things to fill your soul, because in the end it just makes the world a better place.



Nicholas T Jackson
Nicholas’s Written Thoughts

I am a writer here simply to express my thoughts and outlooks on things that I have come to learn.